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RE: Fate/ Apocrypha (2017) Review [Eng - Esp]

Lately, I've been watching anime and other anime productions on Netflix. Catching up on a genre I had forgotten about. I'm going to make a note of this one to look for later. At the moment I'm waiting for Netflix to make available an anime that has been recommended to me, I think it's called Monster.

I invite you to explore the community feed, there are several users who love anime productions, so you can interact with them, at the same time it serves to publicize your blog and gain readers.


epa bro, lo tendre en cuenta cuando tenga tiempo libre para ello jajaja seria interesante ver la vision de otros en base a todo esto con los animes y si curiosamente hice una resena de monster hace mucho y te recomiendo la serie, solo ten en consideracion que es muy lenta en narrativa pero muy prometedora y bien estructurada, saludos.