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RE: Moonfall 2022 Review (And It All Came Crashing Down)

I've wanted to see it for a long time, but some other commitments prevented me from seeing it. Then, I saw a lot of negative reviews of the movie and it took away my desire to see it. I've seen all the reviews of this movie saying it's bad. I'll pass on seeing it for the time being.


Hello @jcrodriguez
Honestly I would say that it’s good that you haven’t seen this movie yet. You should probably pass on it forever because it’s just not entertaining and drags for way too long. You may like the CGI and effects but many movies have those and so it’s really nothing special.

Normally I don’t like to listen to negative reviews but I wish I had listened in this case. Moonfall is not a good movie, overall.

Thanks for stopping by my post! 😁