I Saw The TV Glow || Movie Review

in Movies & TV Shows8 days ago

I’ve been on an atrocious movie-watching streak for a while now. And it’s sad that the random movies I pick turn out to be like this. I’m genuinely concerned about my mental health with these kinds of movies I’m taking into my system. But maybe it’s not that bad. Maybe I’m overthinking it. Exam preparations are beginning and my study partners and myself had gone tired after the ceaseless studying so we decided to take a break.

They know I’m not particularly a movie person but they asked if I had something and then I remembered that I’d seen the synopsis to a movie that morning and it looked promising so I downloaded it. They were elated and gathered in front of a PC, we got comfortable with snacks and prepared to be blown out of our minds.

I Saw The TV Glow(2024)

I Saw The TV Glow is a Hollywood psychological horror film(didn’t see the genre when I downloaded it) written and directed by Jane Schoenbrun. It was released on 17th May, 2024 and stars Justice Smith and Bridgette Lundy-Paine as the main characters among others who play supporting roles. Emma Stone and Dave McCary are also two of the producers of this film. The entire movie is about hundred minutes long.

Summary of the Film

It’s the year 1996 and Owen, a friendless seventh grader meets Maddy, a ninth grader and they bond after he notices her reading and episode guide for his favourite TV show, The Pink Opaque, which follows Isabel and her imaginary friend, Tara who fight monsters using their psychic connection. Because of Owen’s curfew, he sneaks over to Maddy’s house to watch it and becomes utterly captivated by it.

Two years later and Owen is still immersed in the TV show, maybe even more than ever. Maddy finds a way to make tapes of the movie for Owen to watch since he still isn’t allowed. Speedily, Owen’s reality gets warped where his existence becomes too fast for him to handle. And through it all, there’s the mystery of The Pink Opaque. What really is it?

My Review and Rating

Hmmm where do I begin. This movie is one of those where it begins with a past year, 1996 for example and so I’m immediately interested because I know that somehow, it will build up to the present and I want to see what happened between that time and now. Then, the movie switches from the past to the present and back to the past in a way that could be confusing but somehow, you get the idea soon enough and your confusion clears. If that’s what this movie was trying to portray, however, it made an abysmal representation of it.

First off, there’s supposed to be a two year difference between the first Owen that is portrayed and the second one. So, how, in that short time span could the older Owen become five inches taller and five shades lighter? The fact that they didn’t even try to bring someone who looked like the younger Owen and vice versa said a whole lot. And I know for a fact that no African-American mother will zoom off before her child has entered the said house he’ll be sleeping over in. It’s just not possible.

Second, I’ll be honest and say I had to read the plot after on a site to be able to write the summary I did above because on my own, I can’t tell you the plot of this movie. I mean I can attempt to tell you what happened, but I cannot, for the life of me, narrate to you the reason why any of those things happened. I kept feeling like a middle schooler wrote the script. I use middle schooler because I’m sure he himself wouldn’t be able to narrate what he wrote. The movie was incomprehensible and the audio even worse. I know they were trying to depict the audio quality of the 90s but I doubt it was that bad.

After watching the movie, I read an interview with the director because I just wanted to comprehend the movie and hoped for clarification. And apparently, the movie was about gender transitioning and I fail to understand how that is so because none of it was portrayed to the best of my knowledge. One character was lesbian and the other came across as asexual. And even then, the whole sexuality thing wasn’t explored. So what truly was the basis of this film?

I heard people say that while every other thing was bad, the cinematography was the only eye-catching bit to it but I don’t subscribe to that because it was just a whole burst of neon, dim and glitching lights without a single clear scene that didn’t have me squinting. There was no real character development, the characters ranged from annoying to very unlikeable, the music was awful and there was no tension whatsoever. Its genre is psychological horror but there was nothing horrific or maybe even comedic about it. Just a boring movie that played at being weird but still failed terribly at that.

I can say without contradiction that I Saw The TV Glow with its bland characters, terrible script and even worse ending has to be hands down the most terrible movie I’ve ever seen. The paid reviews didn’t help either. I had more to say but frankly, I’m exhausted and kind of battling between mildly traumatized or maybe the fact that I may have lost a few brain cells watching this. A 1.5/10 from me.

P.S: Whatever portrayed in the trailer is B.S and far from the movie’s reality.


Image gotten from IMDB.

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Whatever portrayed in the trailer is B.S

Let me write it in full for you since you can't. "Whatever portrayed in the trailer is bullshit" 😂😂😂.

I had to look for this review after seeing your WhatsApp status. Your review is giving everything I anticipated. Thanks for making my day. I love it when people boldly call out bullshit.

Lol. I mean, I had a lot of choice words to use but I decided to go the civil route. If not for anything, at least because they spent $4.5 million on this silly movie.

I'm glad I could make your day but I tell you @teknon, if I have to watch one more silly movie, I'll be tempted to gouge my eyes out.😂

If not for anything, at least because they spent $4.5 million on this silly movie.

Nollywood can't relate😂

if I have to watch one more silly movie, I'll be tempted to gouge my eyes out.😂

If you do, please give them to me. They're so beautiful and I'll cherish them😭

se ve interesante, excelente post!

looks interesting, excellent post!

Muchas gracias. Me alegro de que le haya gustado!🌺

Looks like bad movies are the new meta. Even me that is reading the review can't understand the plot 😂. Tbh the name alone is a turn off.

At first I'm thinking maybe it's one of those bad movies one can watch to make fun off, but now it seems I'll just steer clear altogether cause 1.5/10 on a review is crazy 😂. Maybe the score is just for spending money and getting people to act.

Likeee, I had my suspicions from the name. It's so crazy the kind of things we're witnessing in our generation. You can literally feel your IQ reducing with each scene.

But you can still watch it so we can go to therapy together.😂

But you can still watch it so we can go to therapy together.😂

I'm not doing 😂 😂 🏃🏾 🏃🏾 🏃🏾

Na you dey go after these movies 😂😂😂

What happened to the old school goodies.

A nice Bruce Lee, or Dwayne Johnson film?

I'm traumatized, Seki.😂

Nice... At least your trauma started before the exams😂😂😂

You mean those things with bad cinematography and dust flying everywhere? Oh please. You can mention Dwayne but who's the other person please? Who??? Don't come for me I'm not feeling fine oh.

At least it's better than violent pink😂😂😂

See you traumatized now😂😂

I cannot be traumatized as I identify as trauma already but hold up. Are you tryna shade barbie? Cause imma tell you this for free, it's only the male characters in the film that disrupted its beauty.😂

Shade barbie?

Naa I would never..

Don't you dare talk trash about ken though...

He was beautiful 😍...

Barbie on the other hand....

She's lucky she's the MC

Bye. I won. And I'm beefing you now.😌

Won What?😂😂😂

You sef wants to beef Seki?
I'm so popular 😭✨

You'd have to wait in line first though 😂😂😂

I don't think @abenad and @jhymi would appreciate cutting 😂😂