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RE: Review about the Netflix movie "Leo" - No spoilers

in Movies & TV Shows6 months ago

Hello dear friend @musicandreview Good morning
Apparently Netflix has a different proposal billboard for each country. I don't remember seeing that "Leo" is available here. I am a fan of Adam Sandler's movies and I watch each of his performances, and although only his voices can be heard here, where he is present they always turn out well.
I appreciate you sharing this review and it is actually very interesting.
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid morning


Probably if you look hard enough you will find it, it seems to me that it has had some commercial success so I'm sure it is in all regions.

And well, as you say, Adam Sandler usually does excellent work, either acting or as in this case in the voices.

You are very right, I was looking for it as I liked recently, now I have found it.
Thank you very much for the review. Have a great day