The Photographer of Mauthausen (review)

in Movies & TV Shows3 years ago

Esta película pone en tela de juicio y trae consigo lo crudo que puede ser la vida manejada por el mismo hombre. La atrocidad que puedes ver en esta historia es realmente macabra. Aquí vemos dos escenarios, está la de un grupo de Españoles como presos políticos de los Nazis en un campo de concentración. Y por otro vemos miles de escenas dramáticas, dolorosas, macabras y bizarras en todo el sentido humano, ya que todo esto mientras sucedía, era registrado con la fotografía.

This film brings into question and brings with it how raw life can be handled to man himself. The atrocity you can see in this story is truly macabre. Here we see two scenarios, there is the one of a group of Spaniards as political prisoners of the Nazis in a concentration camp. And on the other we see thousands of dramatic, painful, macabre and bizarre scenes in every human sense, since all this while it was happening, was recorded with photography.

De allí es que nace el nombre de "El fotógrafo de Mauthausen", aunque si nos detenemos a pensar viendo esta película sin saber la historia real de este conflicto inhumano, tendríamos una duda circunstancial. ¿A qué fotógrafo se refiere esta película?

This is where the name "The Photographer of Mauthausen" comes from, although if we stop to think about watching this film without knowing the real history of this inhuman conflict, we would have a circumstantial doubt. Which photographer does this film refer to?

Pues como les había mencionado antes, todo lo macabro que sucedía, y la forma en que vivían esos presos políticos, era registrado, como si fuese una película dentro de la misma, o una obra teatral llena de sado y perversión.

As I mentioned before, everything macabre that happened, and the way these political prisoners lived, was recorded, as if it were a movie within a movie, or a theatrical play full of sado and perversion.

En ningún punto podrás pensar que hay masoquismo, porque estos presos no tienen elección, simplemente es servir de piezas para hacer ciertas jugadas sucias y que luego te sacrifiquen, o simplemente morir sin ser siquiera usado. Y al punto que quiero llegar con esto, es que dentro de esos mismos presos politicos, habia uno en especial que tenía cierta pasión por la fotografía, y era ayudante de este Nazi que fotografiaba todo lo que pasaba en el campo de concentración, claro está, lo hacía de una forma totalmente retorcida, era como si eso realmente llenaba su vida e incluso saciaba su sed sexual.

At no point can you think that there is masochism, because these prisoners have no choice, it is simply to serve as pieces to make certain dirty plays and then you are sacrificed, or simply die without even being used. And the point I want to get to with this, is that within those same political prisoners, there was one in particular who had a certain passion for photography, and he was an assistant to this Nazi who photographed everything that happened in the concentration camp, of course, he did it in a totally twisted way, it was as if that really filled his life and even quenched his sexual thirst.

Este mismo ayudante, juega un papel fundamental en la trama, ya que su arte, o más bien su pasión por la fotografía, es lo que genera la confianza con el Nazi pervertido, y de este modo, gana ciertos beneficios con los demás. Pero a su vez, se deja ver, que todo esto es parte de un plan para acabar con tales atrocidades.

This same assistant plays a fundamental role in the plot, since his art, or rather his passion for photography, is what generates the trust with the perverted Nazi, and in this way, he gains certain benefits with the others. But at the same time, it becomes clear that this is all part of a plan to put an end to such atrocities.

Creo que no es nada agradable sentir que en cualquier momento pueden acabar con tu vida, por un simple gusto, o porque quieren simplemente descargar una frustración sobre ti.

I think it's not nice to feel that at any moment they can end your life, just for the sake of it, or because they just want to take out a frustration on you.

Mario Casas si duda alguna, interpreto y represento el papel de cada uno de esos presos, siendo que, de cierta manera, él sentía que tenía la responsabilidad de acabar con todo, y tenía el intelecto y el valor para llevar a cabo cualquier movimiento o plan necesario para que el mundo descubriera la perversión del sistema de estos Nazis.

Mario Casas undoubtedly played and represented the role of each of these prisoners, being that, in a way, he felt he had the responsibility to end it all, and had the intellect and courage to carry out any movement or plan necessary for the world to discover the perversion of the system of these Nazis.

Sin duda alguna, no era una tarea fácil, pero con la ayuda de otros presos, supieron esconder toda evidencia, en este caso los negativos de las fotos, para hacerlo llegar bajo cualquier medio al mundo, de ese modo salvar miles de vidas presas por los Nazis.

Undoubtedly, it was not an easy task, but with the help of other prisoners, they knew how to hide all evidence, in this case the negatives of the photos, to make them reach the world for any means, thus saving thousands of lives imprisoned to the Nazis.

Uno de los detalles a tomar en cuenta es que el campo Mauthausen estaba ubicado en Austria, pero en su medida, se fueron multiplicando estos campos, quiere decir que no solo era un grupo de presos, sino miles de ellos. Pero cabe destacar que precisamente en este campo, es donde había el mayor número de españoles, y es la razón por la cual la película se centra más en este campo.

One of the details to take into account is that the Mauthausen camp was located in Austria, but to the extent that these camps were multiplying, it means that it was not only a group of prisoners, but thousands of them. But it should be noted that precisely in this camp, is where there were the largest number of Spaniards, and that is the reason why the film focuses more on this camp.

Un dato curioso para finalizar esta reseña es que Francisco Boixe, fue el único testigo presencial durante el juicio contra los nazis en 1946.

A curious fact to end this review is that Francisco Boixe was the only eyewitness during the trial against the Nazis in 1946.


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The presence of Mario Casas is enough to justify giving this film a watch. Every time I see that actor on the screen the production, whether it is a movie or series, is enjoyable. I haven't watched this film yet but I will probably be watching it soon.

This would really be an interesting watch..if ever I had the guts to watch drama so gory and unsettling.. and I think that that's what makes films such as these work.. the fact that they are very very unsettling films to see that are grounded upon real life events it's makes to realize how monstrous and evil human beings can possibly be and you try to understand how something so remarkable evil be capable of anything good.. it's just mind blowing.. I think another reason why it resonates so much with viewers who see it that it reminds them of what not become in life, it puts there evil tendencies and desires in check because funny as it sounds as evil as human beings can be, they still resent evil a lot and so they don't want to become that and this film justifies why they should never become's the funny thing with the concentration camps in Nazi Germany and communist Russia.. ideology made people's evil desire look justified in their eyes.. and that is very very unsettling