A Review Of The Movie "The Batman 2022"

in Movies & TV Shows10 months ago


"They think I'm hiding in the shadows. But I AM the shadows."-Batman

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This movie was released on March 04, 2022. It is based on the popular DC comics character Batman. Directed by Matt Reeves along with Peter Craig. Starring a very popular actor from the movie "Twilight" Robert Pattinson as Batman alongside with some very popular names in the filming industry such as Zoë Kravitz as Catwoman and Andy Serkis who happens to be playing the role as Batman's butler, Alfred.

Some other famous actors are also in the movie like Paul Dano as the Riddler, Colin Farell as the Penguin, Jeffrey Wright as James Gordon, and many more which you'll see as you watch through the movie.
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At the start of the movie I was already shocked by how different it is from other Batman movies. First of all the main villain is not the Joker but is instead the Riddler. In the past movies I've noticed that the main villain has been The Joker for a long time now and I just think that a change would be really interesting and guess what they did it✊. Second of all the theme or vibe of the movie is so much darker than the previous ones.

Then finally The Bat Cave. Of course based on the previous movies and the name Bat "CAVE" alone. It's already given that it'd be a literal Cave. So I was a bit disappointed when it was just at the bottom of some kind of railway station and not a literal cave. But despite that the story of the movie in itself is already outstanding. The other two qualities filled the hole for that and it just made it so much better. It really captures the essence of Batman being a Dark Knight Vigilante of the night and all.
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The gotham city of this movie is also outstanding it has a unique style compared to the previous gotham cities. The people living in it also captures the essence of Gotham City being a city full of crimes and such. A batman movie is not complete without the iconic BAT SIGNAL! and of course if a Batman movie isn't complete without a Bat Signal. A Bat Signal isn't complete without commissioner Gordon lighting the signal at night when the crime mostly occurs. I love the city's design especially how they incorporated the old gotham city look to a modern one.
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Now before we go on talking more about the movie. Let's talk about this particular scene first. Now this type of situations happens a lot especially in the real world. An innocent young boy whose nature is kind but wants to blend in with other people so chooses or pretend to be a bad guy to be able to blend in with them. Maybe he doesn't want to be bullied or just wants to be one with the "cool kids".

But honestly even if you're bullied or not one with the "cool kids" it really doesn't matter. Trust me I've been there once I've tried to do things to please them, to be one with them and I regret that decision to this day. But hey as the saying goes "do not think about the past or thr future focus on the present moment" move on and make better decisions than you did long ago we can't change the past.
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Props to Robert Pattinson for how well he acted the character. He really suits the character Batman so well. From the design of the suit to the voice is on point. The character design is everything I could have ever imagined and more. He really made a comeback with this movie. I'm just glad that I get to see him once again on action. I hope that I get to see more of him like this from him.
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The fight scenes are also top-notch. It's not just your generic "fight scenes" where the main character is always the one who lands most of the fists and the villain or enemy his facing only gets to hit him/her one to 3 times if not ever.

There's only a few movies that I've watched that had these kinds of fight scenes. I really like these kinds of fight scenes. They are just worlds apart from your generic action movies where the enemy of the main character doesn't have a chance.
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The side characters are also well acted. I know that it's only natural that it'd be well acted as the one's who are acting them are well famous actors as Zoë Kravitz and Colin Farell. I love how they develop well along with the main character especially Zoë Kravitz whose playing as Catwoman or Selina Kyle. Who I think developed the most from the start till the end of the movie (side character wise).
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As I've said and will repeat it again the movie in itself is already outstanding all on it's own paired with these other qualities which makes it even better. Now the visuals even puts more fuel into the furnace as it is also of high quality, from the start till the end of the movie. Really I cannot ever imagine how much hard work the staff and the actors put into this movie to be able to create such a marvelous one. Props to those people who made it possible for us to be able to watch this movie.

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I love the pacing of the movie and how they didn't rush things. This is usually the cases of other movies where they rush things and not be able to completely explain things clearly. They explained every little bit detail of the story which makes the story so much better than it already is. Matt Reeves and Peter Craig really did a job well done with this one.

Overall, for me the movie is a 9/10. The pacing. The character development. The fight scenes. The overall acting of the actors. EVERYTHING is top-notch about the movie. It's definitely a must watch movie I highly recommend it. I'll place it at top three among my list of batman movies with the Dark Knight rises at second and The Dark Knight on top of all of them.


I like your review. The only version I watch were the Dark Night Trilogy. I'm now curious with this version now that you mentioned its much darker vibe. I might just have to watch this then.

You should definitely try it! I promise that it will be a nice watch for you as it was for me.

Your review is top notch...how I wish I can be able to review movies like you do. I agree with the fact that the movie is a 9/10. The fight scenes are mad and the characters are great. Trust me, Batman is the bomb.

Thank you for the compliment I honestly just expressed my feelings towards the movie and this is the result🥰 and Yes batman really is THE BOMB!

You are welcome

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This is the Batman movie that I did not have any interest in at first, but when I started to watch I ended up liking it. Good evening!

We're the same I initially didn't have any interest at it at first because of the fandom saying it was "mid" but hey I've watched it and guess what, they were wrong. It's a great Batman movie.

Indeed, it is a great movie.