What happened next with Falcon when Thanos tried to destroy the world / Falcon and the winter soldier / Review / (ENG/ESP)

in Movies & TV Shows2 years ago


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Saludos amigos, hoy vengo a compartir con ustedes otra de las buenas series que nos trae el universo Marvel Studios.

La serie se llama Falcon y el Soldado del invierno y entra en los géneros de: Ciencia Ficción, Superhéroes, Acción y Aventura. Los personajes que más me gustaron en esta serie fueron: Anthony Mackie interpretando el papel de Falcon, Sebastian Stan interpretando el papel de Bucky Barnes, Wyatt Russell interpretando el papel de Capitán América, Emily VanCamp interpretando el papel de Sharon Carter, Daniel Brúhl interpretando el papel de Barón Zemo.

La historia de esta serie está ubicada luego de lo ocurrido en Los Vengadores: End Game.

Les mostraré un pequeño resumen y mi opinión del porqué recomiendo esta serie.

Este resumen no contendrá spoiler, es solo para darles un motivo para que la vean.

Greetings friends, today I come to share with you another of the good series that brings us the Marvel Studios universe.

The series is called Falcon and the Winter Soldier and falls into the genres of: Science Fiction, Superheroes, Action and Adventure. The characters I liked the most in this series were: Anthony Mackie playing the role of Falcon, Sebastian Stan playing the role of Bucky Barnes, Wyatt Russell playing the role of Captain America, Emily VanCamp playing the role of Sharon Carter, Daniel Brúhl playing the role of Baron Zemo.

The story of this series is set after what happened in The Avengers: End Game.

I will show you a short summary and my opinion on why I recommend this series.

This summary will not contain spoilers, it's just to give you a reason to watch it.


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Los Personajes que me Gustaron:


Luego de lo ocurrido en Los Vengadores: End Game el Capitán América decide retirarse dejándole su escudo y su puesto a nuestro amigo Falcon, pese a que este no posee ninguna habilidad especial más que sus alas y su esfuerzo.

Aun así, el Capitán América ve en Falcon que posee todas las características y ha sido leal a este acompañándolo en todo desde que se conocieron, Obteniendo también la aceptación del mejor amigo del Capitán América en el que también está de acuerdo con esta decisión.

Al obtener esta gran responsabilidad vemos como nuestro amigo rechaza el puesto, ya que para él sería un vacío que él nunca podrá llenar, Siendo esta una decisión que le causara problemas que tendrá que resolver.

The Characters I Liked:


After what happened in The Avengers: End Game, Captain America decides to retire leaving his shield and his position to our friend Falcon, even though he does not have any special ability other than his wings and his effort.

Even so, Captain America sees in Falcon that he has all the characteristics and has been loyal to him accompanying him in everything since they met, also obtaining the acceptance of Captain America's best friend who also agrees with this decision.

By obtaining this great responsibility, we see how our friend rejects the position, since for him, it would be a void that he can never fill, this being a decision that will cause him problems that he will have to solve.


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Bucky Barnes:

A pesar de que Bucky causo tantos problemas debido a la manipulación que tenían en él.

Después de haber colaborado en la batalla en contra de Thanos para salvar a la humanidad, deciden darle una nueva oportunidad a esta persona, pero con ciertas exigencias, ya que a partir de ahora no sería más el Soldado del invierno, sino Bucky Barnes una persona que posee las mismas habilidades que el antiguo capitán América.

Bucky Barnes:

Although Bucky caused so many problems due to the manipulation they had in him.

After having collaborated in the battle against Thanos to save humanity, they decide to give a new opportunity to this person, but with certain demands, since from now on he would no longer be the Winter Soldier, but Bucky Barnes a person who has the same skills as the former Captain America.


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Capitán América:

Al Falcon rechazar el puesto y entregar el escudo a un museo, el gobierno decide tener su propio Capitán América.

A pesar de que esta persona no posee habilidades especiales, ya que es “normal” el gobierno decide nombrarlo el nuevo Capitán América, pero esta decisión causara grandes molestias para ciertas personas.

Al tener como enemigos cierto grupo de personas, este Capitán comete un gran error al tomar dos decisiones que le cambiaran su vida, siendo estas decisiones las causantes de que el puesto de Capitán América sea manchado.

¿Qué lo llevo a tomar estas decisiones? ¿Cuáles Fueron las consecuencias?

Captain America:

When Falcon refuses the position and gives the shield to a museum, the government decides to have its own Captain America.

Although this person has no special abilities, since he is "normal" the government decides to name him the new Captain America, but this decision will cause great inconvenience to certain people.

Having as enemies a certain group of people, this Captain makes a big mistake by making two decisions that will change his life, being these decisions the cause of the position of Captain America is stained.

What led him to make these decisions, and what were the consequences?


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Sharon Carter:

Luego de tener que romper las reglas para ayudar al antiguo Capitán América en lo ocurrido en Capitán América: Civil War, Sharon fue olvidada por sus amigos y perseguida por muchas personas, incluido el gobierno, ya que sus actos fueron de alta traición.

Al ser perseguida, Sharon tuvo que aprender a vivir en el bajo mundo, viviendo en una ciudad en donde ninguna ley existe y encontrándose por cosas de la vida con Falcon, Bucky y una persona más.

Al Reclamarle a Falcon el por qué la abandonaron, decide ayudar a estos personajes en cumplir una misión especial en la que muchas cosas están en juego.

Pero ¿será la misma luego de lo ocurrido con el antiguo capitán? ¿Sharon tendrá un plan como venganza?

Sharon Carter:

After having to break the rules to help the former Captain America in what happened in Captain America: Civil War, Sharon was forgotten by her friends and persecuted by many people, including the government, since her acts were of high treason.

Being persecuted, Sharon had to learn to live in the underworld, living in a city where no law exists and meeting Falcon, Bucky and one other person.

When she claims to Falcon why she was abandoned, she decides to help these characters to fulfill a special mission in which many things are at stake.

But will it be the same after what happened with the former captain? Will Sharon have a plan for revenge?


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Barón Zemo:

Al ser encarcelado por ser el causante de todo lo ocurrido en Capitán América: Civil War por venganza en contra de los Vengadores, Bucky convence a Falcon de buscar y liberar a esta persona para que los ayude a resolver un problema en contra de un grupo algo especial en el que ellos no pueden resolver solos, Pero al liberarlo Bucky causa que ciertas personas lo busquen para tener explicaciones y tomar la ley en sus manos.

¿Por qué buscan y liberan al Barón Zemo? ¿Tendrá que ver con el suero que le dieron al antiguo Capitán América y a Bucky?

¡Lo verán en la serie!

Baron Zemo:

Being imprisoned for being the cause of everything that happened in Captain America: Civil War for revenge against the Avengers, Bucky convinces Falcon to seek and release this person to help them solve a problem against a group something special in which they can not solve alone, but to release it Bucky causes that certain people seek him to have explanations and take the law into their hands.

Why do they seek and release Baron Zemo? Will it have to do with the serum that was given to the former Captain America and Bucky?

You'll see it in the series!

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Un Vacío al Cual llenar y una cruda realidad:

Al no estar el Capitán América y que la mayor parte de los Vengadores no están, los vacíos que se tienen que llenar son enormes, siendo uno de ellos quien será el nuevo Capitán América, pese a que Falco fue el único al cual Steve Rogers toma como único heredero a su puesto, este no lo acepta tomando como decisión seguir en el puesto en donde está, pero la vida le obligara a tomar la decisión y tomar dicho puesto.

Vemos como pese a que estas personas han dado su vida para salvar el mundo y han luchado por el bien de la humanidad, estas no dejan de ser personas, ya que su vida personal tiene sus problemas y que la sociedad no los apoya como tal, ya que muchos no tienen consideración con ellos.

Falcon trata de obtener un préstamo para salvar económicamente a su familia y estos no lo apoyan, ya que todas las leyes han cambiado gracias a lo que hizo Thanos.

Siendo la escena del banco una de las realidades más crueles que hay en contra de estas personas que han dado todo por el mundo.

A Void to be filled and a harsh reality:

With the absence of Captain America and that most of the Avengers are not, the gaps that have to be filled are huge, one of them being who will be the new Captain America, although Falco was the only one that Steve Rogers takes as the only heir to his position, he does not accept it taking as a decision to remain in the position where he is, but life will force him to make the decision and take that position.

We see how despite the fact that these people have given their lives to save the world and have fought for the good of humanity, they are still people, since their personal lives have their problems and society does not support them as such, since many have no consideration for them.

Falcon tries to get a loan to save his family economically, and they do not support him, since all the laws have changed thanks to what Thanos did.

Being the bank scene, one of the cruelest realities that there is against these people who have given everything for the world.


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Luego de que Thanos eliminara la mitad de la población, el mundo se vio obligado a unirse, eliminando así todas las fronteras y concentrando a las personas que quedan en las ciudades más importantes del mundo, ya que solo así todo volvería a funcionar, aunque no como antes.

Pero ya que gracias a que los Vengadores recuperaran a todas las personas que Thanos elimino, todo se convirtió en un caos, ya que como muchas personas rehicieron sus vidas pensando a que nada volverá.

Causando así que cierto grupo de personas se unieran para que nada cambie y que todo siga igual de unido pese a que toda la población volviera.

¿Quiénes son estas personas? ¿Tendrán poderes o habilidades especiales?


Me gustó muchísimo la serie, ver como todo cambio tan radicalmente y que las consecuencias de haber eliminado la mitad de la población y que luego de unos años volvieran, que todos tengan que enfrentar ese hecho y que no hay un enemigo como tal, sino los mismos humanos, son los causantes de estos problemas es lo mejor de la serie.

Ver cómo el poder que obtuvo Steve Rogers es tan deseado que aun quieran repetirlo nos muestra que en la sociedad todo poder es la prioridad, ya que gracias a él podrás obtener muchas cosas, ya sea materiales o no.

La química que se va creando a lo largo de esta historia con Falcon y Bucky es muy buena, te hace recordar la química que estos tenían con Steve, la serie lo hace muy bien con esto, ya que de verdad los vemos como una buena pareja de trabajo.

Vemos como luego de haber obtenido el suero corrompe por completo a estas personas, siendo Steve y otra persona los únicos casos en la que esto no paso.

Las escenas de acción son muy buenas junto con sus coreografías, de verdad se disfruta al verlas y el ritmo de esta serie es bueno, desde el primer capítulo te engancha y quieres seguir viendo más.

El público al cual pueden ver esta película es para mayores de 14 años, es buena para verla en familia y disfrutar de ella es entretenida y no te aburres al verla.

Datos Extras

La Serie cuenta con 6 capítulos con una duración aproximada de 50 minutos cada uno, Fue estrenada el 19 de marzo del 2021 y contó con una aceptación de la crítica del 86% y de la audiencia en general del 84%, según la página más usada Rottentomatoes.

Pueden disfrutar del tráiler de la serie en Youtube

Pueden Disfrutar de esta serie en Disneyplus

Muchas Gracias por tomarte tu tiempo en ver y leer este post, Si estabas buscando una excusa para ver esta película tienen que verla se las recomiendo.

After Thanos eliminated half of the population, the world was forced to unite, thus eliminating all borders and concentrating the remaining people in the most important cities of the world, since only then everything would work again, although not as before.

But since thanks to the Avengers recovering all the people that Thanos eliminated, everything became a chaos, as many people rebuilt their lives thinking that nothing will return.

Thus causing a certain group of people to unite so that nothing changes and everything remains the same despite the fact that the entire population returned.

Who are these people, do they have special powers or abilities?


I really liked the series, to see how everything changed so radically and that the consequences of having eliminated half of the population and that after a few years they returned, that everyone has to face that fact and that there is no enemy as such, but the humans themselves, are the cause of these problems is the best of the series.

Seeing how the power that Steve Rogers obtained is so desired that they still want to repeat it shows us that in society all power is the priority, because thanks to it you can get many things, whether material or not.

The chemistry that is created throughout this story with Falcon and Bucky is very good, it reminds you of the chemistry they had with Steve, the series does very well with this, as we really see them as a good working couple.

We see how after obtaining the serum it completely corrupts these people, being Steve and another person the only cases in which this did not happen.

The action scenes are very good along with their choreography, you really enjoy watching them and the rhythm of this series is good, from the first chapter you get hooked and want to keep watching more.

The audience to which you can see this movie is for over 14 years old, it is good to watch with family and enjoy it is entertaining and you do not get bored watching it.


The series has 6 chapters with an approximate duration of 50 minutes each, was released on March 19, 2021 and had a critical acclaim of 86% and the general audience of 84%, according to the most used page Rottentomatoes.

You can enjoy the trailer of the series on Youtube

You can enjoy this series at Disneyplus

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this post, if you were looking for an excuse to watch this movie you have to see it, I recommend it.

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 2 years ago  

The Marvel Universe is expanding too much, there are many series and movies to watch. By the way, I suggest you interact with other users in the community, reading and commenting on the posts. If you are a movie fan, you will love to read about the movies and engage in conversations with other users, I invite you to join the community discord. We hope to see you there soon. @lauracraft

Thanks for the recommendation team, thanks for the invitation, I have had a lot of problems with my internet but I will do my best to be among you.

Do you like the Bucky character? I find him to be like a younger version of Captain America in some ways.

that's right my friend, I found it very interesting and as I mentioned and as you mentioned, it looks a lot like Captain America.

That is so cool friend.

My best friend watched it, and I just sat down to watch the final episode. Honestly, I feel like I didn't miss much because she was answering my questions and I was able to understand everything. It's not a TV series that catches my attention, but I don't know how much their story adds to the Marvel universe.

Thanks for your summary! I was able to understand a little more about the characters and the story.

I'm glad you liked it friend, the movies and series of the Marvel universe are very good.

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To be quite honest, this series has been unattractive to me to say the least. But this post actually make it a bit more interesting :) and i can admit to love that fact deeply :) Thank you for that, i will add it to my to watch list.

Nice, I'm glad to see that other readers like my posts, I always look for ways to make it as eye catching as possible and with a good summary, no spoilers, cheers.

Those are good things to focus on :)

I liked all of the MArvel shows that came out recently. It was very interesting to see how they implemented some of the real world issues that are happening right now. I would say that the Loki show was a bit better in regards to story telling but this was still an alright show and especially as a Marvel fan a must watch!

So far the ones I have shared are the ones I have seen lately, they are too good and very well explained for those who have not yet seen the first movies and series.