Movies & TV Shows Community Highlight #199

in Movies & TV Shows2 years ago
Authored by @jcrodriguez


Hello! As part of our ongoing efforts to improve both interaction and curation in the Movies and TV Shows Community, this post is one of many to highlight and boost members of the past week that have posted what we believe is exceptional content.

The Details

Each week, our Moderators will monitor the posts within the Movies and TV Shows Community and handpick the ones that are believed to stand out under numerous factors: post quality, length, and subject. Over all effort will be considered, and those chosen will be featured in a post just like this with a percentage of the post rewards being distributed as a reward.

There are no entry requirements, and this is not a contest, but simply a roundup intended to provide additional exposure to all of you for your efforts. Just have fun posting in the Movies & TV Shows Community and three (3) total posts will be chosen frequently.


Author: @maryed

[ESP] | [ENG] - Between Biology and Climbing: Documentary "The Last Tepui" - Review.

I have finally returned to one of my favorite communities after a long (long) time without posting content on it. This time I have returned to the Hive movie community in order to talk to you about a documentary that I had the opportunity to see recently and that I had been waiting for its release with too much desire. This documentary, on which my review will be based, involves several of the things I love and am passionate about: climbing, science and nature (specifically the enigmatic tepuis).


Author: @dedicatedguy

The Batman (8.5/10) - "You know, you really could be doing more for this city" [ENG + ESP ]

When this movie was first announced I was a bit puzzled to see a new Batman being introduced so quickly, I know the actors who play superhero characters are constantly changing, but this time it took me by surprise due to how fast it was. Plus, I thought Ben Affleck's Batman was going to continue.


Author: @jemima1996

Swan song - How much are we willing to deliver? - Film Review [Esp-Eng]

Several weeks ago I finished a series that I loved, I can't explain why but it's called Severance from Apple, among several movies that I was interested in watching I noticed that one was also from AppleTV, because of how much I enjoyed the series I mentioned, I decided to watch "the black swan song".



Congratulations to everyone that was chosen, and thank you to everyone posting in Movies and TV Shows! We look forward to the next report and highlighting even more of you.

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Muchas gracias por darme nuevamente la oportunidad de estar entre los escogidos,. realmente me he estado esforzándo por formar parte de esta increíble comunidad, realmente es un placer para mí ser reconocida por mis publicaciones.

Esta nueva mención me da las ganas para seguir en esta comunidad, muchas gracias por este apoyo que dan a todos los creadores de contenido, un gran abrazo y hasta pronto 😊

Felicitaciones! 🎉

Felicitaciones! 🎉

 2 years ago  

You are welcome. Keep posting good reviews in the community. :)

What you do is awesome. Thanks for always encouraging us in this community.
Have a great weekend!

 2 years ago  

Thanks to you are the ones who make a great community possible. Have a nice day

Wow, ¡esto no me lo esperaba! Muchas gracias por haber tomado en cuenta mi publicación. Realmente la realicé con mucho cariño 🥰. Espero estar un poco más activa dentro de esta comunidad compartiendo opiniones sobre series y películas que me hayan cautivado.

Nuevamente: ¡muchas gracias!💕

 2 years ago  

Excellent post, hope to see you more active in the community, you are always welcome, keep up the good work.

Hi, I have been muted by one of the moderators of the Movies & TV shows community and wanted to know why. I would really appreciate a reply thank you.

Hola, he sido silenciada por uno de los moderadores de la comunidad Movies & TV shows y quería saber por qué. Apreciaría mucho una respuesta, gracias.

Se te ha respondido en tu post

This community already has shown me some amazing movies that I have to watch! Thank you for moderating it and highliting some interesting peices as well! :)