
This post was shared in my personal twitter account supporting @ocd #Posh initiative

This movie is so damn crazy (haha!) and the special / visual effects are really good!

Good luck in the contest, @nameless16.

The scene when The Rock goes in the Helicopter and sees how the earth moves as if it were the sea, that surprised me, thank goodness The Rock was there to defeat it and save us all.

Actually disaster movies are difficult write and direct. If you give the characters more time then you are obviously moving away from center. But if you are always at the centre what's the point?

And characters arcs are difficult. We actually relate to the character and indirectly relate to the situation. And writing a good character who goes and evolve during the events is a hard one. Post disasters are easy as you can show them rise from the ashes kinda thing.

Sorry I got carried away with my ramblings.

Love the write up and hate the movie. :-D

I think the same way, these disaster movies must be difficult to write and that's why if you see each one follows the same pattern as I explained before, mostly in regards to the disaster scenes, when it will be the final earthquake or the powerful hurricane, the flood, the change must be focused on the story for the survivors and San Andreas had everything to be very good.

I don't hate the movie, I think watching it at home made me feel entertained, but if it was seen in the theater I would have a different opinion.

I think watching it at home made me feel entertained

Well, the movie already achieved its goal. :-)
Can you suggest any perfect disaster movie?
Let me scrap that off. No movie is perfect. But a good disaster movie, Which people enjoyed.

In the post I talk about "Tornado" and "2012", both films are the ones I like because despite being stories about natural disasters, they are very funny full of good characters, at least their protagonists and that has a good use of the GCI.

If you are going to participate in the League of Movies, those two movies would be the ones I recommend to watch, my other recommendation is to visit @wiseagent's blog and see if there is already someone who reviewed those movies, if not, then do it and participate.


How about joining the league and participating in the contest?

Thanks for the Invite.
How do I join the league?

Never Mind just found the post and going through the rules ;-)
See ya soon with the entry.

I need to find a disaster movie that ends with death. many I saw are happy ending and it's meh. Like there has to be one movie that says " so that's it. The story of civilization on Earth".

This is what I call a popcorn movie, my little cousin enjoyed it very much! It's a movie where you don't have to think much because if you do, you'll begin to see its many flaws.
The rock is a charimastic and likeable actor, but yes, his films are mostly popcorn movies. I really enjoyed your review, it has a light hearted and fun feeling to it

Exactly, this is the best description that can be given to this "popcorn movie" and it is very right, if we stop to make a deep criticism we can see the maximum failures that it has.

The Rock serves as an action and comedy actor, his work in Rapido & Furioso and the spin-off of this story with Jumanji demonstrate that and even in much of San Andreas does too, my complaint is his performance in dramatic scenes.

Thank you very much for your comment and I invite you to participate in the League of Movies.