League of Movies (Fifth Edition | Week 01) - Superman


The first time I went to the cinema was in 1978, I went there with my parents and my older sister to watch Superman, a film that I was very excited for, I remember pestering my parents to let me go watch it, that if they did, I would get the highest grade in my math test (and I did).

Although nowadays superheroes are everywhere, back then we only had a handful and Superman was without a doubt the most popular one along with Batman. These movies were revolutionary back in the day, where even the smallest special effects would get us in awe and surprise as we had never seen anything like it before.


Superman is a 1978 superhero film directed by Richard Donner and written by Mario Puzo, based on the comic book character of the same name.

The film is about Clark Kent, an alien baby that is sent to earth by his parents to save him from the destruction of the planet Krypton. Clark is raised by a human couple of farmers and as he grows up, he discovers he has superpowers. He decides to use those superpowers to become superman, a superhero that will protect the citizens against evil, all while disguising himself as a normal reporter and while trying to live with these two different personas, the clumsy but charming Clark Kent and the amazing and powerful Superman.


I was in love with Christopher Reeve as Superman, he was handsome, charming and he brought a hopeful charm, innocence, and charisma to the character that I thought was lacking in the subsequent actors that did this role after him. I am very glad that they picked Reeve, as there were many famous actors that wanted the role, I think he was a perfect choice and it is my favorite take on the character.


The special effects were amazing, maybe today they might seem outdated, but at the time I truly wondered if superman was actually flying! This film was very colorful and it was so revolutionary it was the first actual film to take the superhero genre seriously, making a relatable yet charming protagonist that didn't seem like a cartoon and a romance that people would care for.

John Williams' score was also amazing, it is one that I can still hear and my brain directly takes me to that cinema where I watched this movie for the very first time.


Rewatching this film reminds me of a simpler time, it is full of fun and hope, it lacks the cynism that plagues the industry and society right now, I can't help but watch it and smile! Superman was just an iconic yet inspiring character.


I'm very glad this was my first film, it is full of hope, fun, and the belief that we can better! Watching this movie was definitely one of my most fond memories as a child and I recommend you watch it if you haven't!


I'm participating in the contest of our friend @wiseagent, be sure to participate clicking here

I tag: @mjcarvajalp and @nadeurdaneta

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@neiraurdaneta, Superhero World really impacted children's world. Stay blessed.

Indeed! It sure impacted mine

Have a great time ahead.

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Superman debe ser una de esas historias que te sorprenden la primera vez que la vez y más cuando eres niño, tanto esta película como Star Wars ahora llamada Episodio IV, para mi eran especiales porque siempre me preguntaba "¿Como hicieron eso?", excelente reseña y muy buena experiencia.

Good luck in the contest, @neiraurdaneta.