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RE: Moonfall 2022 Review (And It All Came Crashing Down)

in Movies & TV Shows2 years ago

I have not seen the movie, actually these last few weeks I have not had time to watch series or movies, but from what I read it is nothing, absolutely nothing attractive in any of the existing perspectives. Although, when I read about the moon and its orbit it caught my attention a little bit, but what can I say.


Hey there my friend
The idea behind this movie is really interesting to me. The explanations of formation of the moon and how it came crashing to the Earth were very unique conspiracies. However, the idea was very poorly managed resulting in a project that turns out to be a waste of time and money. If I were to advise you I would say you should go ahead and check out the other movie options out there and just leave this one alone. It’s too long with so little effort in the plot. I really did not like it.

Thank you for reading my post @neruel :)