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RE: MOVIE REVIEW: The Silence || If Bird Box and A Quiet Place had a baby [ENG-ESP]

in Movies & TV Shows β€’ 2 years ago

Just like the movie makers, you are also good at keeping your readers in suspense @olujay πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜….
I was comfortably reading the part where you kind of, explained the movie only for me to realize it was just an overview. Then at the end part "Do not make noise" to survive, I got a bit scared and anxious at the same timeπŸ˜….
No doubt this would be an interesting movie πŸ“Ί.

Nice one πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘.
Read post through #dreemport.

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That suspense makes the whole thing all the more enjoyable.

I try my best to not give spoilers in my reviews. So, I just give overviews and make sure they are not long.

The movie is an interestion one. You should try it... but not in from of the kids o>πŸ˜…

Thank you for reading!