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RE: Argylle (2024) : Recap, Review, Reflection and HIDDEN spoilers.

in Movies & TV Shows4 months ago (edited)

Hello there! Thanks for the comment.

By this style, you meant comedy action movie? I think different movies have different take on subjective viewers. So, I guess it depends how one defines entertain. To me, sometimes I like movie that leave me super puzzled and sometimes I just wanna watch something colorful, funny and not thinking so much about it. This one I enjoyed watching it without thinking too much as the story goes.

Oh, Spanish post? hmmm Well, Thai is my mother tongue and I speak English and German, but not any Spanish. Maybe, if one day I get to learn to speak and be fluent enough to convey my thought in writing, I might give it a try. :)


Or you can try using a translator. You save time and cover more readers, not just English or German speakers. So nowadays you don't need to speak more than three languages to translate a text.