in Movies & TV Shows4 months ago (edited)

Director Skye Borgman, who previously captivated us with the similarly themed documentary Abducted in Plain Sight, available on Netflix, now presents us with The Girl in the Photo, where as cinematographer and director of photography, she chronicles the nearly two decades of investigation surrounding the death of a young woman known by several names throughout the film. What began as a hit-and-run case becomes the revelation of a twisted web of almost unbelievable events.

Following the testimonies, Skye Borgman adheres to the chronological order of the continuous twists and turns encountered during the investigation rather than the events themselves. This structure gradually captivates the viewer, adding increasingly sordid and twisted details until the sad story of Tonya Hughes/Sharon Marshall is fully unveiled.

Tonya Hughes is found in a ditch in what appears to be a hit-and-run case. After her death in her twenties, she leaves behind her son Michael and her husband, Clarence Hughes, who immediately becomes the object of suspicion. The police hand Michael over to a foster family, but when Clarence kidnaps him, a frantic search against the clock begins, drawing the attention of the media. It is then that people from Tonya's past contact the investigators, revealing the first shocking truth: Tonya and Clarence were once known as Sharon and Warren Marshall, father and daughter.

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Buena reseña... gracias por la recomendación está en mi lista 😊👍🏽


Muy buen filme por lo que nos cuentas, gracias por compartir.

Gracias a ti por apoyar mi trabajo.

Tremendous story of this documentary about Sharon, I find it a story that leaves much food for thought.🤗💯👍

Si, debo verla necesito verla. Gracias por la recomendación 👌😊

Yes, I must see it I need to see it. Thanks for the recommendation 👌😊.

Excelente tendré que ver esta película 🎥