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RE: The Glory - Season 1 Episode 1 Review: Bullying and Revenge

in Movies & TV Shows2 months ago

It is true that bullying is a fact of real life and occurs not only in an extreme form in the U.S. but in other parts of the world. I think these series and movies made under this situation are to raise awareness, to make an impression, and for people to avoid turning a blind eye to such horrible cases as the ones you describe.

A movie that I don't recommend but also covers this topic is An American Crime released in 2007. It is a strong film, I saw it, cried, and spent a few days very bad emotionally after watching it. It is strong.


Well said, it is indeed a fact of real life that should not be taken for granted. It is also true that some in "authorities" like the professor or school officials sometimes are turning a blind eye against this form of violence simply because their career is at stake. It is a hard choice between which to choose, career? or stop bullying?