Thirteen ghosts in Movies & TV Shows Community Contest

in Movies & TV Shows4 years ago

What is the best horror movie you've ever seen?

Hello # Movies & TVShows friends;
For me, the best horror movie I've seen is, 13 FaNtAsMaS.

13 ghosts

The movie is a remake of director William Castle from the 1960s, but this remake which I saw is from 2001.

The truth is that I do not like to tell the content of the films, I think it is better to recommend them for you to see, but I am going to tell you something.

13 Ghosts; It is about a man named Arthur, who inherits the house of his uncle Cyrus, where he decides to live with his children Kathy and Bob, adding the presence of the babysitter of he called Maggie.

Arthur Nephew of Cyrus

The fact is that Arthur's uncle was a ghost hunter and years ago, along with his assistant Dennis, they captured a Spirit named Juggernaut. Dennis, currently, enters the house posing as an electrical employee and meets the heir family and Cyrus lawyer, while walking around the house, he recognizes several phrases written in Latin in the glass of the mansion, which he recognizes as barrier spells, where later he is hit hard and is where he discovers that inside the house Cyrus hides the 12 ghosts.

Dennis Cyrus' assistant

Desperate he warns Arthur of what happened, but Moss the lawyer of Cyrus does not want to miss the opportunity to earn the money that was due to give the house to the family of Cyrus in the mansion and decides to flee stealing their money; But, Cyrus had everything planned, since the house was completely blocked, and at the same time unleashing the twelve ghosts within it.

Folks, this is where it all gets spooky.

When they want to leave the house, Arthur and Dennis's family take into account Bob's disappearance and after looking for him everywhere they go down to the basement where they get a Machiavellian game of the 12 ghosts.

Down in the basement they decide to separate to keep looking for Bod, and this is where the first ghost named Jackal is shown. This brutally attacks Kathy daughter of Arthur.

Short of the moment where Jackal attacks Kathy.

Who avoids the frustrating moment that kathy passes is a woman named Kalina Oretzia, who appears out of nowhere with a vengeance light that takes the attacking jackal away from Kathy's body; but for them the appearance of this woman is strange and they demand an explanation of what is happening, where she reveals in a book the types of spirits that exist and that the book was created by a demon in the fifteenth century. In the middle of the explanation of the book, Kathy disappears and they begin to look for her, but a ghost is seen in the distance as a sign of attacking called the firstborn, this causes them to withdraw from the basement.

Primus Filius

And then ** the hammer ** appears

to remember it is already giving me fear.

Page from Book of Ghosts shows The Hammer

In the library, where they hide from another attacker The Pilgrimess, where Kalina is enraged with Dennis, arguing that this is all his fault, and is where Kalina reveals to Arthur that The Withered Lover is his wife another of the ghosts.

the pelegrimes

The Withered Lover

Kalina then explains to Arthur what the machine is; and how it works. After naming the 12 ghosts in the house, which are needed to turn on the machine, she tells him that he must be the thirteenth ghost, or a sacrifice of the broken heart. He is "The only ghost created from an act of pure love."

Here I show you the rest of the ghosts that exist in history.

the rest of ghosts

and to finish the story I show you an image of the machine

And so this horror story ends, I hope you dare to see it and give me your opinion of it; until next time.


I remember the spec's scene, this is an excellent movie. It used to come in indian television in tamil/malayalam. a very good and intresting movie

One of my favorites!! Great movie! I liked your post

Thank you

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I don't think that I've seen it, but it looks interesting.

It's good, I really liked it.

Es una buena película, con una trama original, la disfruté viéndola.

¿Verdad que si? Contiene de todo un poco, suspenso, acción, terror. Un gusto compartir la opinión.

Quizás no sea la mejor película en la época actual donde el terror es pintado de otra forma y tenemos un catálogo con diferentes tipos de horror, pero en el 2001 está película mostró desde mi humilde opinión algo interesante y era conjugar diferentes escenas donde sus personajes pasaban por situaciones brutales y la única salida era enfrentar ese terror.

Claro yo cuando vi está película tenía la libertad o permiso de mis padres que de chamo no me dejaban ver películas y creo que eso generó en mi que me dieran miedo algunas películas que para otros chicos de mi edad eran normales, pero en fin es una película entretenida no la mejor pero cumple con lo básico.


Claro, y para aquel entonces no sabía que estos espíritus son tomados con base en lo que se habla en la vida real, por ejemplo el fantasma del niño primogénito es aquel niño que cuenta la leyenda fue asesinado en un juego por un compañero y se dice que él aparece dando a escuchar su vos qué dice "juega conmigo". Y así todos estos fantasmas tienen su historia.

Si exacto, ese era el gancho para los conocedores, pero yo me entere de eso años después. Es una película para un público en especifico, por eso la crítica la destruyó en un tiempo, pero es que la peli tiene su comunidad y eso se debe respetar.

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I think I need to watch this movie again