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RE: The Glory - Season 1 Episode 1 Review: Bullying and Revenge


A film about bullying, it is striking for how real it is and like you the concept did not know it well until a few years ago thanks to the internet, think that this will always continue because it is in human nature but as rational beings can be controlled and it is good this kind of product raises awareness.

It is correct if you felt that sentimiento is because the script goes well at least in your case is right because that's what you want to convey, there are entities that peribir those feelings do not recommend products like this and I think that can not be because a product that is fulfilling its goal is massacred because the subject is not friendly, it is real


Un film sobre el Bullying, es llamativo por lo real que es y al igual que tu el concepto no lo conocia bien hasta hace unos bastantes años gracias al internet, pensar que esto seguira siempre porque esta en la naturaleza humana pero como seres racionales se puede controlar y es bueno este tipo de cproducto concientice

Es correcto si sentiste ese sentmiento es porque el guion va bien al menos en tu caso acierta porque eso es lo que quiere transmitir, hay ente que al peribir esos sentimientos no recomienda los productos como este y eso pienso no puede ser porque se masacra un producto que esta cumpliendo su objetivo porque el tema no es amigable, es real


Yes, it is a good thing that we now have this kind of product that can raise awareness. It help us better understanding bullying and how to act accordingly.