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RE: 'Dream Scenario' by Kristoffer Borgli Review: An incredibly fresh idea


hahaha I saw that creepypasta and it never seemed real at first because the event is very difficult and easy to manipulate BUT what a detail they turned that concept into reality because it is undoubtedly attractive because I remember I sat down to watch the video in those years that narrated that creepypasta and even said that that face could be the face of God.

Now even more striking is the Nicolas Cage, with just the image I will have it noted, it is given very strong to the actor in reviews but I do not know in my case I see it and it's funny 😂

Now about the concept of everyone dreaming with the same face, if I think that all beings and things to some extent there is connection because in theory in my case I believe in the Big Bang, then at some point in the past we were nothing and from one moment to another we were one to be the whole, I think maybe the concept eter explain this but beyond this is interesting philosophical debate that raises the film with a mass of people dreaming the same face


ajjaja yo vi esa creepypasta y nunca me pareció real a primeras porque es muy difícil el evento y de paso fácil de manipular PERO que detallazo volvieron ese concepto realidad ya que indudablemente es atractivo porque recuerdo me senté a ver el video en aquellos años que narraba esa creepypasta e inclusive decia ue ese rostro podría ser el rostro de Dios

Ahora mas llamativo aun es el Nicolas Cage, con solo la imagen la tendré anotada, se le da muy fuerte al actor en criticas pero no se en mi caso lo veo y es gracioso 😂

Ahora sobre el concepto todos sueñen con una misma cara, si pienso que todos los seres y cosas hasta cierto punto hay conexión porque en teoría en mi caso creo en el Big Bang, entonces en algun momento del pasado fuimos nada y de un momento a otro fuimos uno para ser el todo, pienso tal vez el concepto eter explique esto pero mas allá de esto es interesante el debate filosófico que plantea el film con una masa de personas soñando el mismo rostro


Yeah the entirely of the dream realm itself is something insane to comprehend. The ability for our minds to enter another sort of reality, in which it often feels very real. Brings up the question of what reality actually is. Is it me typing this? Or another space in which once I enter a specific state, the possibilities of all things opens up? If it all feels real, what is real?


It is that the philosophical conflict of the dream is how many I's there are, that's why the question of what is real that is one, in the dream there is like another self that advances which can reveal things and when we are conscious there is another self that is what we call consciousness that we hear it in our minds and speaks the same as us then the brain already talking about the dream aspect I think is a subject yet to be explored because weird things definitely happen there.... stranger things hahaha


Es que el conflicto filosófico del sueño es cuantos yo hay, por eso la pregunta de que es real esa es una, en el sueño hay como otro yo que avanza el cual puede revelar cosas y cuando estamos conscientes hay otro yo que es el que llamamos conciencia que lo escuchamos en nuestras mentes y habla igual que nosotros entonces el cerebro ya hablando del aspecto sueño pienso es una materia aun por explorar porque cosas raras definitivamente suceden allí.... stranger things jajaja