That Winter, The Wind Blows ( k-drama review)

Cuando escogí este dorama lo hice por la protagonista, creo que es una de las mejores actrices coreanas, aunque su vida personal es muy criticada dado a los gustos que tiene por los hombres de menor edad que ella.

When I chose this dorama I did it because of the leading lady, I think she is one of the best Korean actresses, although her personal life is highly criticized due to her taste for men younger than her.

Este dorama está lleno de romance, fraudes, un tanto de violencia, pero también de honor. Hay una conexión fraternal entre tres amigos que se aventuran en el negocio de las estafas, ya que solo eso pudieron aprender en la vida dado que la de ninguno ha sido sencilla.

This dorama is full of romance, fraud, some violence, but also honor. There is a brotherly connection between three friends who venture into the scam business, as that is the only thing they could learn in life since none of them have had an easy life.

Sin embargo, las cosas salen mal, y hay una deuda enorme por pagar que se puede cancelar por el mismo monto o con la muerte. Por lo que para sobrevivir deben buscar la forma de hacer la mayor estafa de sus vidas.

However, things go wrong, and there is a huge debt to pay that can be cancelled by the same amount or with death. So to survive they must find a way to pull off the biggest scam of their lives.

También hay robo de identidades, al tener que hacerse pasar por una persona anhelada de una hermana millonaria envuelta en la soledad y la tristeza. Cabe destacar que ambas historias centrales son muy trágicas. Por una parte el abandono, y por otra la separación de dos hermanos.

There is also identity theft, having to impersonate the longed-for person of a millionaire sister shrouded in loneliness and sadness. It should be noted that both central stories are very tragic. On the one hand, abandonment, and on the other, the separation of two brothers.

Todo se desenvuelve en el invierno, como si fuese algo característicos de sus personalidades de soledad y rudeza, sin embargo al sentido de la vista es algo extraordinario, sobre todo por los efectos de sonido cuyo énfasis hacen para destacar la vida en el sentido de una persona ciega y cuyos otros sentidos se ven más desarrollados.

Everything unfolds in the winter, as if it were something characteristic of their personalities of loneliness and rudeness, however the sense of sight is something extraordinary, especially for the sound effects whose emphasis is made to highlight life in the sense of a blind person and whose other senses are more developed.


Hay muchos secretos envuelto en esta familia, y el suicidio es una característica particular también de este dorama, puesto que ambos protagonistas quieren acabar su dura vida, como una forma rápida de obtener la libertad que no han podido conseguir.

There are many secrets involved in this family, and suicide is also a particular feature of this dorama, since both protagonists want to end their hard life, as a quick way to obtain the freedom they have not been able to get.

Sin embargo, ambos se conocen de una forma fortuita, ante la pérdida de una vida, y ante el inicio de lo que sería sus nuevas vidas.

However, both meet in a fortuitous way, at the loss of a life, and at the beginning of what would be their new lives.

Al principio el estafador tenía un objetivo, que valga la redundancia es estafar, sin embargo, cae en el karma de la vida al enamorarse de la joven y ella de él pensando que es su hermano, por lo que dichos sentimientos le llena de culpabilidad.

At the beginning the swindler had a goal, which is to swindle, however, he falls into the karma of life when he falls in love with the young woman and she with him thinking he is her brother, so these feelings fill him with guilt.

En el desarrollo de la trama iremos descubriendo muchas cosas que nos sorprenderán, pero también aprenderemos diferentes lecciones de los diferentes roles actorales.

In the course of the plot we will discover many things that will surprise us, but we will also learn different lessons from the different acting roles.


Una de las cosas que a mí más me impactó fue el cambio de un asesino a sueldo, creo que no hay más honor demostrativo en este dorama que ese que mostraron. Pero también está el de una madrastra, que a pesar de no hacer las cosas correctas, al final se muestra como una persona leal que ama.

One of the things that impacted me the most was the change of a hired killer, I think there is no more demonstrative honor in this dorama than the one they showed. But there is also that of a stepmother, who despite not doing the right things, in the end is shown as a loyal person who loves.

El final es algo inesperado, me ha dejado con la boca abierta, sin embargo, es algo que dejo en secreto para quienes se animen a ver este dorama el cual recomiendo que vean.

The ending is somewhat unexpected, it has left me with my mouth open, however, it is something that I leave in secret for those who dare to watch this dorama which I recommend you to see.

Una de las cosas que voy a mencionar para que tengan en cuenta, es que el papel del protagonista es muy exagerado, me hubiese gustado a un actor más natural.

One of the things I will mention for you to take into account is that the role of the main character is very exaggerated, I would have liked a more natural actor.



I don't know much about k-dramas movies. However, considering the few movies I have had the opportunity to watch... The balance is very positive. They have a lot of potential to make great projects.

This movie looks like a good one. Nice review, @roadstories.

Great article and movie!
I know it!

Have you seen Hwal or The Bow by Kim Ki Duk?

I only skipped the part of this K-drama. Have you watched Kill me heal me or W? they are pretty good as well. I heard W is going to get its American Remake.

All doramas have their touch of exaggeration, but that's what makes them fun.

Personally I like how they show the stories from a broader and creative point of view, I always watch doramas with my wife and I like all of them.