 5 months ago (edited) 

I was able to see the Pancho Villa series some time ago and it is a gem, the setting, the effects and the way it was told is very good. Plus you learn a lot about Mexican history which is what I appreciated the most.

If I haven't seen the other one, I've already made a note of it.


Yes, I hope you'll find it, because the two complete each other nicely. As I said, YouTube has lots of clips, which make up more than half it (at least). Though hopefully you can get the whole series, where you won't have to piece them together like this.

A classic of history, to value, you can not ignore this beautiful and great Mexican character, who sowed an unforgettable legacy. 👍❤️

Thank you! I assume you are talking about Pancho Villa (or possibly Zapata). At least I don't think you could say the same thing about any of the others.

Hahahahaha right I mean pancho villa. Thank You!

Right! Though thinking back, another possible option could be Madero, doubtlessly one of the good ones, but maybe too weird for this world. He was used to talking to spirits, but then when his life was in danger he sought refuge in the arms of his own assassins. Though his legacy lives on, as it is celebrated every November 20th.