The Midnight Sky (2020) - Movie Review

in Movies & TV Shows3 years ago (edited)

Hello Hivers and everyone else who stumbled upon my post, I hope you are all ready to wave 2020 goodbye, and let's carefully enter the next year without too many expectations.

Speaking of, I expected a lot from this movie, considering the crew, but I was careful because the last movie I saw with some famous actors was a total disaster.

Be warned that there will be some spoilers, but enjoy the ride :)


  • Title: The Midnight Sky
  • Year: 2020.
  • Genre: Drama | Fantasy | Sci-Fi | Thriller
  • Directed by George Clooney
  • Running time: 1h 58 min
  • IMDb rate: 5,6

The Plot:

As the movie starts you can immediately feel the tension of apocalyptical measures being taken, even in the Arctic where most of the storyline is. George Clooney, the star of his own movie is portraying Augustine, a lonely and very ill scientist who chooses to stay as everyone else leaves the Arctic.

We soon discover that the story also takes us to space, where few crew members are trying to get back to Earth as a part of their mission.


The story develops in many ways, but most importantly Augustine finds that a little girl is left behind and he is determined to save her and get her to safety, where ever that is. She is pictured as quite odd and silent, and that made me wonder if she was even real or fruit of his imagination.

The crew on the space ship comes to some turbulence and has to go out to fix some parts of equipment, where one of the members dies due to injuries. Although there are some amazing and high-quality shots in this part of the movie, in particular, the whole thing just wasn't too exciting. Later on, I will explain why I think so.


It's not completely explained what happened to Earth, but we find out that there is no one left as Augustine is trying to reach out to someone who will take care of the girl. The only person he reaches is a crew member in space, who again knows nothing of the happenings on Earth, as she was exploring the new planet they are going to inhabit.

Augustine and the quiet girl are forced to go out in the cold to find an appropriate communication device and they have to overcome many obstacles, like cold, toxic air, wolves, blizzards, etc. to get to their destination.

Turns out that the girl is in fact in his imagination, as he talks to the crew member with the same name, and we find that it's actually his daughter who left with her mother a long time ago. Augustine who was determined to save the world and in that effort forgets his own family is left only with memory and his daughter on the radio, in far space.


My opinion:

I'm not sure if it's something about my mood or something about the movie, but it didn't sit right with me. From the beginning to the end (except for the first few minutes) it was too slow, without tension and lacking emotion, considering it had a good idea.

I am a big fan of apocalyptical movies and I always admire new ideas they have on the plot to kill the humans. It looks like it's an endless pool of possibilities, but not always the best execution.

It's far from a cheap movie like I reviewed recently, the scenography is pretty well done, nothing too exciting, but not cheap. The acting is good only while George is in the frame and sometimes the little girl, crew members and all of that space things are just plain and honestly bad.


The whole time I had to guess what happened, for example, you have no idea what's wrong with the Earth. You are not properly introduced to personalities in the space crew, you don't even know who the father is to the baby of the obviously pregnant crew member. It's all the way bland.

Dramatic moments, even with great shots and ideas, are without emotions and somehow too slow to keep your attention. The girl is bleeding out in zero gravity, with some interesting blood splatters floating around, but even then I yawned out of boredom.


I don't have strong feelings about this movie, and when it comes to me, that is not a good thing, that's a sign that it was boring. The idea was there, but with no point. Yes, it is interesting that he imagined the girl who is actually his daughter, who again is in the space. But, without a great storyline and too slow to keep me interested.

I expected more from this move, I have to be honest. At least there was a serious amount of money spent on it, and it didn't look cheap. I am continuing my quest to find some movie that was worth the time.

Maybe 2021 will bring us more good movie nights and even better reviews!

My rate: 4/10

With love,


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From these pictures, I think it's a boring movie and you confirmed it