12TH FAIL: Inspiration from the different world!


In recent days in the Indian subcontinent, social sites have been fully overloaded with the Bollywood film '12th Fail' which is the reality in the Indian subcontinent also and the young generation can easily relate it to their life. If you are from the Western world or from a developed country, then you may have never heard about such stories that are shown in the movie and such movies are not a movie but a bitter reality in these third-world countries. The movie itself is also based on a true story that can inspire you from the ground to catch the moon with relentless perseverance and the confidence to achieve your goal through several restarts of your journey from the very beginning.

It is the story of a Hindi medium student who failed in his 12th grade and how he became a UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) which is one of the toughest exams in all over India to be selected for the upmost powerful govt. employee all over the country. In numbers, from around 1 million candidates only a thousand are selected for the final posts, so indeed it is a really tough exam to pass a series of stages like preliminary exams, mains, and finally the interview which is held in English language. And the movie has already gained massive applause from the audience here by bestowing it with a 'masterpiece' creation to some extent.

I can feel the reason why this has become the buzzing talk in social media here as in my country Bangladesh, we have the same kind of exam called BCS (Bangladesh Civil Service) and the number of success is the same as in UPSC. For the poor students, this journey becomes crueler with the pressure from the exam which is completely the race of memorizing data of the world including history, sports, politics, literature, science, and everything you can't master and really useless for your future profession in most of the things you memorize!


Everyone struggles on their own but here the struggle is quite different from the outside world like the corruption system ruining the hero's father's job who was the only earning member of the family of 6 people. Later the prominent person oft he area makes hero stop the driving smaller transports which makes the family status on the ground, and the cheating in the exam hall which I have seen in my childhood, and recently the board questions were released by some wicked people before the exam in my country.

It reminds me that colonial slavery is still dominating our thought and the law-enforcing people and the govt employees are still maintaining themselves as the lords from the East Indian Company who ruled over India for around 200 years. However, the story begins with the passing of the 12th grade by the hero after failing several times but without copying while everyone gets passed with copying in their first attempts.

And hero then goes to the big city from his village with all the money from her grandmother, her lifelong savings from the pension, which is stolen in the bus with the hero's bag. It is a common scenario in the Indian subcontinent and many people lose anything every day here. But the hero is not going back to the village and the main story starts from here from the realistic poverty background of the hero's family.



The ratings of the movie also indicate the great creation of the director 'Vidhu Vinod Chopra' and he has done a great job in every aspect of the movie. The cinematography, dialogue deliveries, screenplay, and everything is a complete package to make the film a masterpiece.

Manos, the hero of our movies starts his coaching under a senior brother by working in the hostel, his efforts start from cleaning toilets to a better position in a library where he gets the chance to live. Later he meets with the heroine after passing his preliminary for 2nd time, as he has a total of 4 chances to get passed the interview.

Later, he lost his job and left the city among so many troubles he worked in a flour grinding factory where an old noise made the environment completely adverse for study, but he did not stop dreaming and studied at night and worked during the day time, but unluckily failed in the third time among so many troubles in life.


After failing the third time it was the last chance and how he finished his journey with his friend's support, especially the heroine, 'Shraddha' was so supporting and meanwhile she was selected in another interview that motivated Manoj. After day-night work of more than 16 hours, Manoj managed to clear his mains but the interview brought the real story which was the toughest to clear.

He was in the toughest viva committee with the chairman who doesn't like the Hindi medium students at all, but Manoj was from the Hindi medium and with a failure history in his past. And the chairman let him go without any interview after looking at his certificates and educational background. But with a dramatic speech and kind consideration from the other board members ensured Manoj's honesty and selected him as a miracle in Manoj's life!

Our life is a story of ups and downs and very few people can stand up up to the last as Manoj did in his life which is a true inspiring story but there is the dark side of our society and the systems of the countries like India or Bangladesh. The movie truly deserves gratitude for showing us the reality and inspiring us with the real story of such a great fighter and his struggles in the way to achieve goals.


If you love a real story a sweet love story with a passionate struggling fighter who is a real hero for society, then you must watch this movie on 'Hulu'. I hope you like the story of the movie which is a true mirror of the third-world countries.

Thanks a lot for your time and attention.
Have a nice day!


Dear @tanzil2024 !

Thank you for intorducing me to a good movie!😃

You are welcome, my friend; you can watch this movie, which is also available on YouTube if your area does not have any shows. I hope you will love it.

Dear @tanzil2024 !

My friend Hassan!

My English listening is awkward, so I think it will be difficult to enjoy that movie.😅

This is a Hindi movie and may be you can find with an English subtitle one

This is one of the I love to watch because they have a way of entertaining you to the fullest.. I love the way the movie focus on different aspects to show a student journey.

Yeah, it is fully entertaining through the journey, especially the happy ending will make your day. Thanks for stopping by.

You are welcome friend