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RE: Film Review: Down to You (2000)

In late 1990s and early 2000s one of the most common complaints against Hollywood teen comedies was their authors’ tendency to cast actors in their 20s or even older to play teenagers

This is still very much in practice. I was sixteen when I watched the Disney movie "zombies". I was intrigued by the cast and one of them that really got my attention was Meg Donnelly. She was amazing,I wished to be her so much that I began imitating her dressings and all until I checked up her age on the internet and figured she was way older than I was. It was shocking actually because she played and fit the age given to her but TBH I was disappointed. I thought I was imitating a girl my age.

Your rating of this movie actually got me rolling. It must really suck to be rated 3 out of 10😂.


Actors playing characters below their age shouldn't be a problem for those who retained their youthful looks and, more importantly, enough talent to convincingly play such roles. But that usually isn't the case with most American teen comedies.

Actors playing characters below their age shouldn't be a problem for those who retained their youthful looks and, more importantly, enough talent to convincingly play such roles.

Yeah! Meg did fit the role perfectly.

But that usually isn't the case with most American teen comedies.

True. I think the Thundermans fall into this category