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RE: Moonfall 2022 Review (And It All Came Crashing Down)

in Movies & TV Shows2 years ago

Hey there brother. I totally agree with you that the idea behind the movie was unique but it was hugely mismanaged. For me the movie just wasn’t natural. It was really embarrassing to see the characters try to do things or relate in a very rigid way. Saying the movie was boring might just be an understatement because this movie was a waste of time, money and idea. For something that lasted for 2 hours, it was too long yet too underdeveloped.

To be honest this movie almost made me dislike the word “ancestors” 😅.

Thanks for stopping by my post friend @ronycine !😎


I laugh to keep from crying when I come across these movies and hey not that I can do any better, but fuck these folks are professionals I think they can do better.

They definitely can. I really don't know if they're ok with putting out trash or they don't have people that are honest around them to tell them that they need to improve. These guys shouldn't produce trash and go around hyping it everywhere. It's embarrassing.