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RE: The Nice Guys (2016) review: this is the funniest movie ever for some reason.

in Movies & TV Shows11 months ago

Offbeat and quirky. I also really enjoyed this.

For me the key to the nice guys is in the use of familiar elements that are deconstructed and presented in an ingenious way: The dynamics of a couple of men who can't stand each other but are forced to work as a team, the sequences of persecutions and shootings, or the very collection of clues and testimonies.

I really loved that above the film. An unlikely teamup that learns to appreciate the value in each other and rely on each other. That's what I think of the most about this film. I always forget that amidst their relationship they are trying to save someone which ends up being a really twisted mystery. It turns very serious at the end leading to some unexpected life/death situations that (as a viewer) you're probably not ready for. I mean, the film gets dark fast. It's almost jarring. If you don't know it's coming, I can imagine it makes you uncomfortable as a viewer. It's kind of like that thrill ride when you slowly reach the top of a coaster and then for a brief minute, you are really hanging on not knowing what's going to happen. Great film. So much to say about it.


I agree! That darkness is handled pretty well, and everything feels really organic.

Thanks for your comment, I'm glad to find other people that enjoyed this movie!