American Underdog: The Kurt Warner Story || Movie Review and Recommendation || English/Español



American Underdog is a movie that tells the story of NFL superstar and legend, Kurt Warner. The movie begins with young Kurt Warner watching a Superbowl game. After the game, he picks up a football and heads outside to make some plays. It was at this moment that he makes the decision to become an MVP quarterback and a Super Bowl.

Fast-forward to several years later and Kurt Warner is already playing in the University of Northern Iowa. He faces a setback after being unable to follow the coach's orders of "staying in the pocket". He overcomes this hurdle and rises in ranks with high chances of being drafted in the NFL.

Kurt would occasionally go to a country club to have some fun and on one of these occasions, he encounters a blonde lady who dances at the bar. He makes the decision to learn how to dance so as to impress this lady and it works. Kurt realizes that her name is Brenda and she has two kids. Being a single mother and a nursing student who's struggling financially, Brenda puts Kurt off with the thought that the relationship wouldn't work. Kurt insists and eventually walks three miles to visit Brenda on one occasion, where he discovers that she was a Marine Corporal and that her son is visually disabled. The kids bond well with Kurt and this becomes the catalyst for his relationship with Brenda.

Kurt begins dating Brenda of which his mom does not approve. He was unable to get drafted for the NFL and this makes him almost want to give up on his dreams. He begins to wonder why God would give him a dream if he'd never be able to attain it.

Kurt finds out that he has been given a chance by Green Bay to try out, but it doesn't go well. He was unprepared for what was to come and was sent away. He becomes homeless and decides to move in with Brenda, living in the basement of her house. He gets a job at a store and begins to find some happiness as his encounter with people makes him realize that his failure to get drafted does not mean the end of the world. While working a job, Kurt continues to polish his football skills in hopes of getting another opportunity.

Kurt is approached my Jim Foster with an offer to be the quarterback for the Iowa Barnstormers in Arena Football. He turns the offer down because he doesn't regard Arena Football as Football. Kurt and Brenda are put in a tough situation when Brenda's parents sell the house and move to a different state. At one situation, Kurt had to walk a couple of miles to get gas while leaving Brenda and the kids in the blizzard.

Kurt eventually accepts Jim Fosters offer to play in Arena Football after coming to terms that no team in the NFL wants him. Arena Football has a smaller arena and is more fast paced, making this an unfamiliar experience for Kurt. It takes a while for him to adapt to the game, eventually overcoming yet another hurdle and becoming one of the rising stars in Arena Football.

The distance between Kurt and Brenda puts a strain on their relationship. Brenda ends things with Kurt on this account, leaving a devastated Kurt to chase his dreams alone. Tragedy strikes when Brenda's parents are killed in a tornado. Kurt is there for Brenda and the kids during this hard time and eventually decides to marry her after the tragedy had become a past.

Kurt finds out that he has been offered a chance to tryout for the St Louis Rams. He has a hard time making the right plays because he had become so used to the fast paced rhythm of Arena Football and needed to readjust to standard football plays. Kurt is berated by the offensive coordinator for every mistake, but eventually makes the team after the coach tells him that he believed in him. The realm of goodluck opens up to him as he is also able to get a house and his family moves in with him.

Kurt becomes the starting quarterback when the previous starting quarterback (Trent Green) suffers an injury. Kurt is able to lead the Rams into victory. He takes a knee at the end of the game and kisses his wife while also giving God thanks for an opportunity like this.

Kurt continued his career and won a lot of titles for his team. He was also crowned the League MVP and Superbowl MVP. His name and glory is immortalized in the Pro Football Hall of Fame and he currently lives with Brenda and their seven children.

I really loved this movie because it shows a man who was ready and willing to defy all odds just to get what he wanted. Kurt faced a lot of adversity, gave up a number of times, but still decided to take whatever opportunity he had. Kurt was happy playing for the Jim Foster and the Iowa Barnstormers even after it seemed like he was never going to make it to the NFL. The story portrays a prime image of doggedness and determination to get what a person desires. The emotions can be felt in every scene as we see a man struggling to achieve his goals, while making sure he does so with the people he loves.

This movie has ratings 75% for Rotten Tomatoes and 7.5/10 for IMDb, and I recommend it for everyone. Thanks for reading 😁.




el origen

American Underdog es una película que cuenta la historia de la superestrella y leyenda de la NFL, Kurt Warner. La película comienza con el joven Kurt Warner viendo un partido de la Superbowl. Tras el partido, coge un balón de fútbol americano y sale a hacer algunas jugadas. En ese momento toma la decisión de convertirse en un mariscal de campo MVP y de la Superbowl.

Avanzamos varios años después y Kurt Warner ya está jugando en la Universidad de Northern Iowa. Se enfrenta a un contratiempo tras ser incapaz de seguir las órdenes del entrenador de "quedarse en el bolsillo". Supera este obstáculo y sube de categoría con altas posibilidades de ser reclutado en la NFL.

Kurt acude de vez en cuando a un club de campo para divertirse y en una de estas ocasiones, se encuentra con una dama rubia que baila en la barra. Toma la decisión de aprender a bailar para impresionar a esta dama y le sale bien. Kurt se da cuenta de que se llama Brenda y tiene dos hijos. Al ser madre soltera y estudiante de enfermería con problemas económicos, Brenda desanima a Kurt pensando que la relación no funcionaría. Kurt insiste y finalmente camina tres millas para visitar a Brenda en una ocasión, donde descubre que fue cabo de la Marina y que su hijo es discapacitado visual. Los niños se relacionan bien con Kurt y esto se convierte en el catalizador de su relación con Brenda.

Kurt comienza a salir con Brenda, algo que su madre no aprueba. No pudo ser reclutado para la NFL y esto hace que casi quiera renunciar a sus sueños. Comienza a preguntarse por qué Dios le daría un sueño si nunca sería capaz de alcanzarlo.

Kurt se entera de que Green Bay le ha dado una oportunidad para hacer una prueba, pero no le va bien. No estaba preparado para lo que iba a suceder y lo despiden. Se queda sin hogar y decide mudarse con Brenda, viviendo en el sótano de su casa. Consigue un trabajo en una tienda y empieza a encontrar algo de felicidad, ya que su encuentro con la gente le hace ver que su fracaso en el reclutamiento no significa el fin del mundo. Mientras trabaja, Kurt sigue puliendo sus habilidades futbolísticas con la esperanza de conseguir otra oportunidad.

A Kurt se le acerca mi Jim Foster con una oferta para ser el quarterback de los Iowa Barnstormers en el Arena Football. Kurt rechaza la oferta porque no considera el fútbol americano como tal. Kurt y Brenda se encuentran en una situación difícil cuando los padres de Brenda venden la casa y se mudan a otro estado. En una situación, Kurt tiene que caminar un par de millas para conseguir gasolina mientras deja a Brenda y a los niños en la ventisca.

Kurt acaba aceptando la oferta de Jim Fosters de jugar en el Arena Football después de llegar a un acuerdo de que ningún equipo de la NFL lo quiere. El Arena Football tiene un estadio más pequeño y es más rápido, por lo que es una experiencia desconocida para Kurt. Le lleva un tiempo adaptarse al juego, pero finalmente supera otro obstáculo y se convierte en una de las estrellas emergentes del Arena Football.

El distanciamiento entre Kurt y Brenda pone a prueba su relación. Brenda pone fin a su relación con Kurt por este motivo, dejando a un devastado Kurt para que persiga sus sueños en solitario. La tragedia llega cuando los padres de Brenda mueren en un tornado. Kurt está al lado de Brenda y de los niños durante estos duros momentos y finalmente decide casarse con ella después de que la tragedia se haya convertido en un pasado.

Kurt se entera de que le han ofrecido la oportunidad de hacer una prueba para los Rams de San Luis. Le cuesta hacer las jugadas correctas porque se había acostumbrado al ritmo rápido del Arena Football y necesitaba readaptarse a las jugadas estándar del fútbol. El coordinador ofensivo regaña a Kurt por cada error, pero finalmente entra en el equipo después de que el entrenador le diga que ha creído en él. El reino de la buena suerte se abre ante él, ya que también consigue una casa y su familia se muda con él.

Kurt se convierte en el quarterback titular cuando el anterior quarterback titular (Trent Green) sufre una lesión. Kurt es capaz de llevar a los Rams a la victoria. Se arrodilla al final del partido y besa a su mujer mientras da gracias a Dios por una oportunidad como ésta.

Kurt continuó su carrera y ganó muchos títulos para su equipo. También fue coronado como MVP de la Liga y MVP de la Superbowl. Su nombre y su gloria están inmortalizados en el Salón de la Fama del Pro Football y actualmente vive con Brenda y sus siete hijos.

Me encantó esta película porque muestra a un hombre que estaba preparado y dispuesto a desafiar todas las probabilidades para conseguir lo que quería. Kurt se enfrentó a muchas adversidades, se rindió varias veces, pero aun así decidió aprovechar cualquier oportunidad que se le presentara. Kurt fue feliz jugando para Jim Foster y los Iowa Barnstormers incluso cuando parecía que nunca iba a llegar a la NFL. La historia retrata una imagen primordial de la tenacidad y la determinación para conseguir lo que una persona desea. Las emociones se pueden sentir en cada escena, ya que vemos a un hombre que lucha por conseguir sus objetivos, mientras se asegura de hacerlo con las personas que ama.

Esta película tiene calificaciones de 75% en Rotten Tomatoes y 7,5/10 en IMDb, y la recomiendo para todos. Gracias por leer 😁.




It sounds like an interesting movie, I'm not very fond of sports genre movies but honestly I really liked "The Blind Side" and this one seems of the same type. I give you a little advice friend, since seeing your profile I see that this seems to be your first review and is that in a review you should not tell the film since that can take away the desire of the reader to see it and generate their own opinion to already know in advance what is going to happen. The goal of a reviewer is to have a critical stance on something and encourage the reader to consume that product to have an idea of their own. Your way of writing is good so I think you can polish yourself soon in this of the reviews, despite everything I liked your post enough so I would like to see you improve, I send you a greeting and a hug from a distance n.n

Thanks for the tip friend. I really appreciate it. Also, I promise that you'd love this movie. I'll also check out "The Blind Side". Thanks again for the comment

This movie sounds like it’a going to be really sad in the middle. I don’t know much about NFL stars but this movie sounds awesome. Inspirational movies like these should be made a lot more in my opinion.

Great writeup man.

Thanks for reading. The movie is a "must see". I promise you'll like it

I am down to watch a sports movie. This genre does not have the greatest appeal to "normal" audiences but if there is a heavy emotional element it could be worth watching. I definetly give it a try :)

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