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RE: Morbius (6/10) - "We have to push the boundaries, take the risks. Without that, there is no science. No medicine." [ENG + ESP]

I think 6/10 rating is too generous. The movie was fun to watch to some extent because I like vampires and good fight scenes. In the same vain, the movie was also boring. There are too many choppy scenes and like you mentioned, too many mistakes and little effort. The way the events occured in this movie made no sense to me to be honest, and to some extent it felt like reading a book and mistakenly skipping a few pages while reading, making the story to feel absurd and almost empty.

My rating would be 4/10. I'm glad I didn't go to the cinema to watch this.

I love your review and would love to read more from you ;)


The film could have easily been much better, but I don't really regret watching. I think it was a good idea to introduce this character even though this introduciton should have been better but I guess Marvel isn't used to producing dark films. I surely want to see more of this character in future productions.

Thanks for stopping by @uchescrib02!