
Hey, @wiseagent.

I can understand that. There's been 23 MCU movies so far, plus all of the movies that Fox and Sony did in the time the MCU got started, which a lot of people lump together. So, there could easily be Marvel superhero saturation, and superhero saturation in general, if you add in all the DC and smaller publisher movies, and tv shows, along with everything Marvel and DC have done on broadcast television, Netflix, etc.

That said, I waited the better part of 30 years for the first Iron Man movie to come out, or something other than Spider-Man, X-Men and Fantastic Four movies (Spider-Man has been okay, but the Fantastic Four and X-Men movies weren't all that good in my opinion). So, I'm far from over with them.

re: long break

I don't think that's going to happen. :) However, you can certainly take the break from them, no problem. Kind of like what I did with Logan and the Deadpool movies.