Recap the storyline of the IO Movie [ENG/IND]

in Movies & TV Shows3 years ago

Recap the storyline of the IO Movie[ENG/IND]




Hello spoilers, see you again with me @rezamusic here. the content this time I will review a film entitled IO which is sure to be exciting !! Don't forget to continue to support film review content like this, so that I will be more diligent in posting, thank you ... happy reading !!

At the beginning of the film, we are greeted by a scene of a woman wearing costumes such as PPE complete with oxygen cylinders in one place, like a factory that is no longer used. he wants to take things that are not used.


But at that time he saw that there was a fly egg similar to black algae in a puddle of water and he took the animal for an experiment. Then at that time the woman checked the oxygen substance using a match, it was seen that the fire was purple. It means that the air condition in that place is very poisonous. so it is impossible for any living thing to survive.


then the woman rushed home to her residence on the top of the mountain, which is still in a safe zone and a clean oxygen zone. this woman just lives alone. By the way, what is the real purpose of this woman to survive alone on earth, while the rest of the inhabitants have left to live in a place in outer space called IO?


okay move sin, it looks like his residence is filled with sophisticated tools. At that time this girl named Sam was reporting her situation to her boyfriend Elon who was already in IO. In the morning, he tried to research a bee he raised to survive in the poisonous air. but the result is nil and failed again with the experiment.

he continues to live his life on earth alone hoping he can find a way to survive in that poisonous oxygen.

At night Elon his girlfriend persuaded Sam to go to IO, Elon also said that Sam didn't have to stay with his father any longer for research. even though Sam's father is no longer there.

Herry walden his father Sam is a great scientist. before the situation got worse, he had time to find a way to survive on an earth that was no longer normal. but unfortunately he died.
So Sam's goal is to continue his father's mission. He continues to update his father's report to the IO center, so that no one knows that his father is dead. Eummm, what a shame this Sam's fate is, my friends. day after day, he continued to do his research. he has an artificial garden there, so he can survive this far.


The next day Elon gave the news, that he wanted to go on an IO exedus mission to research other small planets as a new world expedition program. but when sam read elon's message. the sam monitor is damaged. so that he did not finish reading the message from his girlfriend.

at that moment Sam, with his PPE in full, went down to the poison zone to find a usable monitor. finally Sam also found the object he was looking for.


Suddenly, the surroundings turned dark. a thunderstorm also enveloped the area. Sam immediately returned to his house. he saw that the fire had turned purple, the air was starting to get worse. sam panicked about it. he tried to seal all the air holes in his house. and he had to breathe all night using an oxygen cylinder.


In the evening Sam tried to reread the message from Elon with the monitor, I got it earlier. And Elon also informed him that the last IO ship on earth would be launched in 4 days. Elon also advised him to go as quickly as possible with his father. because there are no more ships after that. sam is very burdened, he is confused.


in the morning, the oxygen there began to return to normal. Sam immediately checked his pet bee. but all that is left is nothing. Sam was very stressed about it. Sam's artificial garden and lab were already falling apart in the storm last night.


at that time sam reports all the incident last night. and he also stated, that he would not be able to make it to the launch pad. because the clean oxygen cylinder is already limited, sadly !!!


but that afternoon. there is a hot air balloon which landed at sam's residence. sam was confused by that. it turns out that in the hot air balloon there is a man she came there to meet her father sam. Because this man hears the radio transmission of Sam's father's report which is updated by Sam every day. this man didn't know what really happened. then sam also gave water to this man. Sam confessed that he was assistant doctor Harry Walden. he didn't say that doctor harry walden was actually his father.


but this man still insisted on seeing his father sam. Sam gave the excuse that Dr.walden was going to the mountain to collect his research specimens. So the man would wait until Dr. Alwalden came home. Sam is very confused, he does not know what purpose this man is meeting his father for. then sam gave this man fresh vegetables and honey. This man was surprised, how did Sam have vegetables and honey. this man eats very heartily. they chat

In the evening, this man sees Sam playing his father's protocol tape for report. Sam also said to this man that if Dr.walden isn't around, he plays the protocol tapes. It looks like this man is suspicious of Sam. but sam kept interrupting her.


The next day, Sam asked this man for help to clean up the tools that had been damaged by the storm. after that they took a break while chatting casually, at that time Sam and this man named Micah seemed to be getting close.


Sam also shows a video of his father's successful discovery. his father can increase the immunity of a pig, so that it can survive in the poisonous air. Micah was very surprised to see him, but Sam stated that the pig finally died.

In the morning, Micah finds Doctor Halden's photo with Sam in the basement. there Micah asked why Sam's mother died. then Sam replied that his mother was sick. then micah stated that her mother died because her father kept her mother from leaving for IO, it seemed as if her mother would know all about Sam's mother.


Sam is very sad, and Micah breaks into Dr.walden's room. the room looked like it had never been touched by humans, everything was dirty and dusty. in the end, sam also told everything to micah before his father died, he had sent Sam to go to IO. but sam didn't want to leave his father. There Sam also showed the graves of his father and mother to Micah. This scene is very sad.

then micah apologized because he was being presumptuous, micah also said that he would not leave Sam there alone before the last ship left. Sam also agreed with Micah's invitation, because there was no hope. they will leave as fast as possible in a micah hot air balloon. they're just waiting for the right wind weather.


In the evening, Sam sends the last message to Elon. if he meets Micah and he will go to IO. Sam also checked the contents of his bag micah. he found a photo of a girl. which maybe the photo is his wife micah.


move sin, sam gets a reply message from elon. elon gave the news, that he would be transferred to world expedition B or to another planet. Elon also stated that he and Sam could be together, but not in the past 10 years. because research takes a long time. Sam was very sad to hear that. At that time, Sam was seen taking a shower. and he didn't seem to have closed the bathroom door on purpose. micah consciously steals his eyes on sam. actually this micah is horny

The next night, Sam suddenly became angry because the wind had not yet stabilized. but casually sam approached micah and never mind


although micah initially refused, but yes it continued hahahaha..that night they tried to enjoy, they spent a lot of time together to chat. like never before they were mantass-great last time, sam did it via radio protocol broadcast, if his father had passed away a long time ago. He also hopes that everyone can go to IO as soon as possible, because on earth there is nothing more to hope for.


in the morning, micah tried to check the air balloon But there was a serious problem, they didn't have enough helium to get to the runway. micah also got angry there. she also spoke truthfully to sam. If his father forces them all to live on earth, IO is only a last resort. until the micah family died all due to staying too long on earth. because Dr.walden had given them false hope. that's why Mikah wanted to meet Sam's father.


Finally Sam said that he knows one place in the zone where helium is available. But the location is very far. the next day they will leave. sam reluctantly left his residence. but there was no other choice. they have to adapt if they don't want to die.


arrived at the place. they also get a lot of helium. but they had to spend the night there, because they could only fly the next morning. they also spent the night together in that place with their complete PPE.


the next day, they will leave. seen there they're refilling helium. but suddenly Sam wanted to go somewhere. sam also just said that he was gone for a while. It turned out that Sam went to an art museum. micah has reminded sam, that they will fly in one hour.


But looking here, it looks like Sam is lulled and can't remember that their oxygen hasn't been replaced from last night. Because of that, Micah immediately followed Sam to invite him to go and bring the last oxygen. there Sam seemed to want to give up on living. He didn't want to change the oxygen cylinder. he didn't want to go either. Until finally, Sam took off his mask and died in Mikah's embrace. all is over. until finally Mikah left alone.

So the film ended.





Halo sobat2 spoiler, jumpa lagi bersama saya @rezamusic disini. konten kali ini saya akan review satu film yang berjudul IO pastinya akan seru!! jangan lupa dukung terus konten review film seperti ini,agar saya semakin rajin buat posting, terimakasih..selamat membaca!!

Di awal film kita di sambut oleh adegan wanita yang menggunakan kostum seperti APD lengkap dengan tabung oksigen di satu tempat seperti pabrik yang sudah tidak terpakai lagi.yang sudah tidak terpakai. dia ingin mengambil benda2 yang tak terpakai.


Namun saat itu dia melihat seperti ada telur lalat yang serupa dengan alga hitam di genangan air dan dia mengambil binatang tersebut untuk percobaan. lalu di saat itu wanita tersebut mengecek zat oksigen menggunakan korek api, terlihat disitu apinya berwarna ungu.artinya kondisi udara di tempat itu sangat beracun. jadi mustahil ada makhluk hidup jenis apapun yang bisa bertahan.


lalu wanita itu bergegas pulang ke tempat kediamannya dia atas puncak gunung, yang masih dalam zona aman dan zona oksigen bersih. wanita ini hanya tinggal sendiri. ngomong-ngomong apa sebenarnya tujuan wanita ini bertahan sendirian di bumi, sedangkan penduduk lainnya sudah pergi untuk tinggal di satu tempat di luar angkasa yang disebut IO?


oke pindah sin, terlihat tempat kediamannya ini di penuhi oleh alat2 canggih.saat itu cewek yang bernama sam ini sedang melaporkan keadaannya kepada kekasihnya elon yang sudah berada di IO. pagi harinya, dia mencoba meneliti seekor lebah yang ia ternak untuk bertahan di dalam udara yang beracun. namun hasilnya nihil dan gagal lagi dengan percobaan-nya.

dia terus menjalani kehidupannya di bumi sendirian sambil berharap dia bisa menemukan cara bertahan hidup di dalam oksigen yang sudah beracun tersebut.

malam harinya elon pacarnya ini membujuk sam untuk pergi berangkat ke IO, elon juga bilang bahwa sam tidak harus bertahan bersama ayahnya lebih lama lagi untuk penelitian. padahal ayahnya sam sudah tidak ada lagi.

btw Herry walden ayahnya sam ini adalah seorang ilmuwan.yang hebat. sebelum keadaan parah, dia sempat menemukan cara bertahan hidup di bumi yang sudah tidak normal lagi. namun sayangnya ia meninggal.
Jadi tujuan sam adalah melanjutkan misi ayahnya.dia terus melakukan update laporan ayahnya ke pusat IO, sehingga tidak ada yang tau bahwa ayahnya ini sudah tiada. eummm malangnya nasib sam ini ya teman-teman. hari demi hari, dia terus melakukan penelitiannya. dia punya kebun buatan disana, sehingga dia bisa bertahan hidup sejauh ini.


esok harinya elon memberi kabar, kalau dia ingin pergi menjalani misi eksedus IO untuk meneliti planet kecil lainnya sebagai program ekspedisi dunia baru. namun ketika sam membaca pesan elon. monitor sam mengalami kerusakan. sehingga dia tidak habis membaca pesan dari pacarnya tersebut.

saat itu juga sam dengan APD lengkapnya turun ke zona beracun untuk mencari monitor yang masih bisa di pakai. akhirnya sam pun menemukan benda yang ia cari.


Tiba2, keadaan sekitar berubah menjadi gelap. badai petir pun menyelimuti daerah itu. sam segera balik ke rumahnya. dia melihat api sudah menjadi ungu, keadaan udara di situ mulai tidak baik. sam panik terhadap hal itu. dia mencoba menutup semua lubang udara rumahnya. dan dia harus bernafas semalaman menggunakan tabung oksigen.


malam harinya sam mencoba membaca ulang pesan dari elon dengan monitor ya di dapatkan tadi.dan elon juga memberi kabar kalau kapal terakhir IO yang ada di bumi akan di luncurkan 4 hari lagi. elon juga berpesan agar dia bisa pergi berangkat secepanya bersama ayahnya. karena tidak ada lagi kapal angkutan setalah itu. sam sangat terbeban, dia bingung.


pagi harinya, oksigen di situ mulai normal kembali. sam segera mengecek lebah peliharaannya. namun semuanya tidak ada yang tersisa. sam sangat stres dengan keadaan itu. kebun buatan dan lab-nya sam pun sudah berantakan akibat badai semalam.


saat itu sam melaporkan semua kejadian semalam.dan dia juga menyatakan, kalau dia tidak akan bisa berhasil pergi ke tempat landasan peluncuran. karena tabung oksigen bersihnya sudah terbatas,sedihnya!!!


namun siang itu. ada satu balon udara yang mendarat di kediaman sam. sam bingung dengan hal itu. ternyata di dalam balon udara itu ada seorang pria. dia datang ke situ untuk menemui ayahnya sam. karena pria ini mendengar transmisi radio laporan ayahnya sam yang di update oleh sam setiap harinya. pria ini tidak tahu apa yang sebenarnya terjadi. lalu sam juga memberi air kepada pria ini. sam mengaku kalau dia asisten dokter harry walden. dia tidak bilang kalau sebenarnya dokter harry walden ayahnya.


namun pria ini tetap bersikeras utk menemui ayahnya sam. sam memberi alasan kalau dr.walden sedang pergi ke gunung untuk mengumpulkan spesciment penelitiannya.maka pria tersebut akan menunggu sampai dr.walden pulang. sam sangat bingung, dia tidak tau tujuan pria ini untuk apa menemuai ayahnya. lalu sam memberi pria ini sayuran dan madu segar. pria ini sempat heran, bagaimana caranya sam mempunyai sayur dan madu. pria ini makan sangat lahap. mereka pun berbincang bincang.

malam harinya, pria ini melihat sam memutar rekaman protokol ayahnya untuk laporan. sam juga berkata kepada pria ini kalau dr.walden tidak ada, dia memutar rekaman protokol tersebut. terlihat pria ini curiga kepada sam. namun sam terus menerus memotong pembicaraan-nya.


esok harinya, sam meminta bantuan kepada pria ini untuk membereskan alat2 yang sudah rusak akibat badai. setelah itu mereka istirahat sambil berbincang santai, saat itu sam dan pria yang bernama micah ini terlihat mulai dekat.


sam juga menunjukan video penemuan ayahnya yang berhasil. ayahnya bisa meningkatkan imun se-ekor babi, sehingga bisa bertahan di dalam udara beracun. micah sangat kaget melihatnya,namun sam menyatakan kalau babi tersebut akhirnya mati.

pagi harinya, micah menemukan foto dokter halden bersama sam di ruang bawah tanah. di situ micah menanyakan penyebab ibunya sam meninggal. lalu sam menjawab kalau ibunya itu sakit. lalu micah menyatakan kalau ibunya meninggal karena ayahnya yang menahan ibunya berangkat ke IO, mikah ini seakan akan mengetahui semua tentang ibunya sam.


sam sangat sedih, dan micah mendobrak kamarnya dr.walden. kamar tersebut terlihat seperti tidak pernah di jamah oleh manusia, semuanya kotor dan berdebu. pada akhirnya, sam pun menceritakan semuanya kepada micah. sebelum ayahnya meninggal, dia pernah menyuruh sam pergi ke IO. namun sam tidak mau meninggalkan ayahnya. Di situ sam juga menunjukan kuburan ayahnya dan ibunya kepada micah. adengan ini sangat sedih.

lalu micah meminta maaf karena dia sudah lancang, micah juga berkata kalau dia tidak akan meninggalkan sam di situ sendirian sebelum kapal angkutan terakhir berangkat. sam pun setuju dengan ajakan micah, karena tidak ada harapan lagi. mereka pun akan pergi secepat mungkin dengan balon udara micah. mereka hanya menunggu cuaca angin yang tepat.


malam harinya, sam mengirimkan pesan terakhir kepada elon. kalau dia bertemu dengan micah dan dia akan berangkat ke IO. sam pun mengecek isi tas-nya micah. dia menemukan sebuah foto cewek. yang mungkin foto tersebut istrinya micah.


pindah sin, sam mendapatkan balasan pesan dari elon. elon memberi kabar, kalau dia akan di pindahkan ke ekspedisi dunia B atau ke planet lain. elon juga menyatakan kalau dia dan sam bisa bersama, tapi tidak dalam jangka 10 tahun ini. karena penelitian membutuhkan waktu yang lama. sam sangat sedih mendengar hal itu. saat itu, terlihat sam sedang mandi. dan dia kayaknya sengaja tidak menutup pintu kamar mandi. micah pun dengan sadar curi-curi pandang terhadap sam. sebenarnya micah ini terangsang.

esok malamnya, tiba-tiba sam marah karena angin belum stabil. namun dengan santai sam mendekati micah dan sudahlah.


meski awalnya micah menolak, namun ya berlanjut juga hahahaha..malam itu mereka mencoba enjoy, mereka banyak menghabiskan waktu berdua untuk mengobrol. tidak seperti sebelumnya sebelum mereka mantap-mantap haha..akhirnya saat itu, sam melakukan melalui siaran protokol radio, kalau ayahnya sudah lama meninggal. dia juga berharap agar semuanya bisa berangkat ke IO secepatnya, karena di bumi tidak ada lagi yang bisa di harapkan.


paginya, micah mencoba mengecek balon udaranya. namun ada masalah serius, mereka tidak mempunyai helium yang cukup untuk terbang ke landasan. micah pun sempat ngamuk2 di sana. dia juga berkata jujur kepada sam. kalau ayahnya yang memaksa mereka semua tinggal di bumi, IO hanya pilihan terakhir. sampai2 keluarga micah mati semua akibat bertahan terlalu lama di bumi. karena dr.walden telah memberi harapan yang semu kepada mereka. maka dari itulah mikah ingin bertemu dengan ayahnya sam ini.


akhirnya sam berkata kalau dia tau satu tempat di dalam zona yang tersedia helium.namun lokasinya sangat jauh. esok harinya mereka pun akan berangkat. sam dengan berat hati meninggalkan kediamannya. namun tak ada pilihan lain. mereka harus beradaptasi jika tidak ingin mati.


sampai di tempat tersebut. mereka pun mendapatkan helium yang banyak. namun mereka harus bermalam di sana, karena mereka baru bisa terbang esok paginya. mereka pun bermalam bersama di tempat itu dengan APD lengkapnya.


esok harinya, mereka akan berangkat. terlihat disana mereka sedang mengisi ulang helium. namun tiba2 sam ingin pergi ke suatu tempat. sam juga hanya berkata kalau dia pergi sebentar. ternyata sam pergi ke satu meseum seni. micah telah mengingatkan sam, kalau mereka akan terbang satu jam lagi.


namun terlihat disini, sepertinya sam terbuai dan tidak ingat kalau oksigen mereka belum di ganti dari semalam. oleh karna itu, micah segera menyusul sam untuk mengajak pergi serta membawakan oksigen terakhir. di situ sam seperti ingin menyerah untuk hidup.dia tidak mau mengganti tabung oksigen-nya. dia juga tidak mau pergi.sampai akhirnya, sam membuka topeng-nya dan mati di pelukan mikah. semua sudah berakhir. sampai akhirnya mikah berangkat sendirian.

Maka film pun habis.


Big Thanks

@namiks ADMIN

@moviesonhive MOD

@jcrodriguez MOD

@macchiata MOD