WarDogs - The best of Miles Teller and Jonah Hill in One movie

in Movies & TV Shows3 years ago


Few days ago I was having my evening and just wanted to stay here, eat in my bed and watch a movie.

I was just browsing Netflix and could not find any movie. I started to watch the ones I never watched and most of them were not attracting me at all. I saw Moneyball and remembered that I watched it a long time ago but the last time I tried I gave up after only 20 minutes. But, I decided to type Jonah Hill in the searching tab and the first result was


I already saw it, probably at least 4 times. But It's not a problem, Jonah Hill and Miles Teller are two actors I love and I could watch most of their movies again and again, even the worst. From Whiplash to 21 and over with Project X, The Wolf of Wall Street, 21-22 Jump Street but also The Fantastic Four, This is the End and That Awkward Moment.

And this one is to my mind one of the good ones.

I saw it at first in a theatre and that was really a good moment.

Both the actors are making the best performance possible, they are just amazing. And all the other actors are the same. From Ana De Armas to Bradley Cooper with his terrifying eyes.


Everything in the storytelling is incredible in my opinion !

Everything is narrated by the main character played by Miles Teller and it's told as the past. So we can imagine that when he's telling the story, everything already happened so he's hidding some part of the story, and while I may don't care about that in other movie, I really like how everything is going.

In this way we really see he totally is the main character of the story while Jonah Hill is just a key of it. From the beginning until the end we just understand that Efraim (Jonah Hill) never changed. Everything we heard about him at the beginning was true, he is a liar and always changes the truth to try to the the good guy of the story.

While David Packouz (Miles Teller) at the end has almost changed all aspects of his life since the beginning. While at first he was a nice guy trying to make good things to people to earn just few dollars, he totally changed to lie to his wife, sell weapons and participate in really dangerous contracts and his job is literally lying to the government.

We have to wait until the end when he finally tells all the truth to his girlfriend to understand he's trying to come back to the initial version of him, before being perverted by Efraim.

I don't know what made me like the movie as much, I Think it's thanks to all the actors doing an incredible work and the light and image team who made everything really more than beautiful.


I remember the first time I saw it, in cinema, in 2016, at 15, I did not understand everything and I found it complicated to truly understand the end. And if you did not see it, that's a spoil but you can imagine it really early in the movie.

It took me a long time to understand what was fraudulent. And this time I understood, the false factures, the heist of money from their investors they are lying to, selling bullets and hiding the Chinese origin and violating the embargo, never paying some of their employees. The list is long, and I find it crazy to see they are arrested for that but not for buying and selling enough guns and explosives to invade countries just because they sold it to the government.

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This was an interesting movie till the end. Entertaining for sure. I just don't like shady characters that screw their friends over, the guy kinda made me mad. I kinda wanted to see the main character get revenge.

That's the reason I sometimes hate movies based on true stories. I want to see another version of it ! I would have love to see the main character pay the man he needed to pay and work with Bradley Cooper to get his revenge on Jonah hill

Cool! I don't think I've seen this one before, but I'll look for it

good review. Sufficient for an upvote @leonis

I have this movie on mi watch list since a couple of weeks, it looks awesome.