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RE: Hive Proposal Costs per Active User

in Hive Proposals5 months ago (edited)

Insofar as majority rule voting forcibly takes stake from those that do not support proposals in the DHF, by calculating the proportional share in the DHF Hive users have and only disbursing funds from the share of the users that vote for proposals when they surmount the return proposal that forced taking of DHF funds can be prevented.

I don't support air dropping the Founder's Stake to Hive users because that would cause them to quickly spend it, in turn creating inflation which would disrupt HBD price stability, that in turn would cause the HBD Stabilization Fund to have to expend funds to stabilize the price of HBD. Also, the DHF is a resource that can be used to fund useful development and some proposals are much more than simple money grabs.

By segregating individual Hive user's share in the DHF, those more prudent would conserve the DHF for such useful and beneficial proposals, while the profligate who spend the DHF away with their careless voting for funding rally cars will quickly lose their ability to so waste the DHF and line the pockets of their friends. Majority rule isn't fair, because 51% of voters can just take the asset of the 49% minority for whatever they want, which is just theft of their assets by a bigger gang.

Majority rule democracy is just tyranny of the majority, and is often abused by clever deceivers for their financial gain. Preventing the share of prudent Hive users of the DHF from being subject to such theft would enable those users to spend their share of the DHF on substantive proposals, while presently their share is unprotected from the avarice of the duplicitous and profligacy of their minions.