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RE: Data and thoughts on votes in LeoFinance

in LeoFinance3 years ago

hmm yeah. 'when used correctly', might be a tough one. We do have some people who would choose to stick their content on a different pile, and they are perhaps the ones discussion disputes (as the new creator has just arrived and is all about art not arguments).

But I think t depends on which window to the chain you are looking in from. Trending/Hot is probably always going to be all over the place, and I think it will be up to (advert presenting-inflation burning, nice interface creating, smart guys in charge, account muting-more centralized) communities, like to make their own way to their public. is probably the strictest community for Trending/Hot content, you wont catch much about disputes - and posts are zero'd and accounts muted.

You reminded me of this one, although on re-read it's not so close, but did have:

Communities may well also choose to hide Bot boosted posts from their feeds in order to keep a solid set of Trending/Hot posts which match their vision and goals at the head of affairs

Anyway, yes that tag would be welcome for use with the 'general' interfaces, and I would have used it on this post.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Well. One thing I'm not saying is make the platform politics invisible. I'm sure it would be a vibrant section and people would enjoy browsing the chaos. If you're a responsible member with a reasonable concern, what's so hard about using the 'tag'? Nothing.

I'm always using PeakD so I see the whole world. It's fine if other communities have solutions but when there are problems, maybe it's muted there, but one can still announce whatever to the world.

Recently the one who starts with E wrote the post about JR, then that buddy came along to publish a manic episode for what seemed like days and days and days. Plenty of misinformation and emotions. Is that really worth center stage?

I remember one year, the other platform, it was briefly mentioned on Joe Rogan podcast. The day before, trending was a mess of paid votes and petty drama. If that's what they would have seen when bringing the site up on screen during the podcast viewed by millions, they would have sat and joked and ridiculed the place for twenty minutes. We dodged a bullet. The posts on trending were uninteresting paid vote style spam (you remember that stuff), so they didn't click or browse much; we still got a mention.

Maybe I'm just overthinking this. Nothing will come out of it.

It's a hot topic now. I see a few other posts related to these recent developments. People want to talk about it and should, but we're so much more than this and sometimes others latch on late, just because it's fashionable and might bring in a few eyes and cents.

Dude. Apologies. I talk too much.

Is that really worth center stage?

It was only center stage on the general interfaces and I'm just not sure they'll be that important going forward.

These days, I can't see anyone going on TV to promote content. Maybe they would be there to talk about the blockchain as fast and 'free', but I think it's more likely we'll see Khal (LEO boss), or a hologram of Marky (STEM boss), talking about their communities of xxx,xxx built on Hive.

Dude. Apologies. I talk too much.

No need, suggestions, rants, beers, always welcome :)

Outside public image isn't my main concern. A proper forum is not only more productive, leading to better results, but it provides members with a space to bring up issues in a way that doesn't make it look like a hit piece or a smear campaign.

As for those communities and developments now and into the future. None of them can survive or even get off the ground without a central hub of activity directing traffic back and forth. Sometimes I think people believe 'decentralization' means 'teamwork' isn't allowed. That space in the middle is the most valuable. Art crowd arrives for art, spills over into crypto and finance. Vice versa. People go to the mall to buy shoes, then because it's there they have a bite to eat. The businesses are all independently operated but benefit from each other being in close proximity. That's how a department store works. That's how a city works. Same with a country. Same basic principles no matter which way you scale it.