
he is probably having quality time with his family. whenever he stops by we will be glad to have him


Yeah, that is true, and for sure when he comes back we would really enjoy more beautiful threads as usual. #brownlions

What am I supposed to do? Interact with #brownlions only?

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

haha.. you can interact with any one including #brownlions and there is no such criteri

oh okay. That is comforting. Otherwise It would be tough to figure who the #brownlions are

Thank you. I read the post now. Let's get to threading then #brownlions

Yes, we need more engagement from #brownlions, you can make threadstorms, daily threads, more engagements especially with #brownlions, replies of threads and many more.

Okay. let's get on with it then. I will create threadstorms on #football. Make sure to interact. Do we have a strategy on how to engage as #brownlions?

not yet, but @nonsowrites was saying he got an idea about that, but was waiting for most us to be active

Okay. We need to divide what topics we want to create threadstorms on. @nonsowrites. Who else is active in our team who can create threadstorms #brownlions

It nice to have you man, and also a great one to have you in team. Let the battle begin!!! Let the threads counts man, we need to battle and fight for those NFTs, and XPs as well. #brownlions

I am up for it #brownlions. Where is @taskmaster4450le? what team is he in?

taskmaster has no team, but nifty is in black lions army

That's cool. Task cannot be. in any teams ha ha.

We got 36 hours to fight this battle man, and we have exhausted more than 10 hours now. We need to make the threads count asap. #brownlions

I am #brownlions?

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

yes man, and we need you to come double our thread count for us... haha


Okay. Do I need to use the #brownlions tag on all my threads?

Well, it is good for optics, although it does not affect the rating process. people need to see that their team is doing well. this would give them the morale the need to thread even more


Okay. I will use the tag on all my threads going forward #brownlions

Do we have a strategy on how to create engagement?

Well, just engage. We don't need to plan and scheme. The task is straight forward. Create engaging threads and engage with other members to increase their thread count as well.

Also post threadstorms and polls occasionally