AskLeo - What Crypto, Tech or Finance Books Would You Recommend?

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I have a pause of about two years I guess since I haven't read an entire book. I used to be an avid reader back in the days, but social media and my Hive activity has eaten up a lot of my appetite and time for reading.

I would also add a bit of laziness to the equation as well.

I'm feeling like reading again, though, especially during these few months of winter that are left and was planning somehow to make myself a challenge of reading 20 pages a day and trying to compile myself a list of books for 2022.

image source

I have a couple of them ordered already, that are going to be delivered next week and another bunch of them, coming from the UK, that are going to be delivered in about five to seven weeks from now. The Bitcoin Standard is one of them, which I can't wait to put my hands on it.

I would appreciate some recommendations though, cuz I plan on reading more than a book a month and to be honest I don't have much clue what to order. Even the ones that I am about to receive are coming from recommendations as well. Not really my picks...

Hence, if you have read any interesting book on crypto, tech or finance topics, please shill it, I might order it as well. I want to also mention that I will have them all in paper version, I don't like kindles, never owned one and probably never will.

I don't like audible versions either because I can't stay focused that much on the topic... What can I say, I'm old school... So yeah, throw a few picks in the comments section if you believe are worth reading by yours truly.

Thanks for attention,

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I have ordered it.

Was about time 😁

Indeed. I had it on my mind for quite a while.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I recently ordered this one, but it's in Spanish for the moment:

I want to read in english so I can get more familiar with the terminology.

Well. I can tell you that "The Bitcoin Standard" by Saifedean Anmous it's a great book. For newbies like me, open's the world for crypto understanding

I'm eager to read it as well.

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I must say that I haven't read in-depth books about crypto and probably this is why I know things at the surface. When somebody asks me to explain one blockchain or the other, while I present the big idea I feel that I am lost in trying to explain the mechanics and other details.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm pretty much in the same position but I also want to deepen my understanding in regards of the role blockchain is playing in society.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If you want to improve your trading skills, this one is pretty good as well:
you have free pdf available in the internet as well

Thanks, but I'm not into trading. I'm searching mostly for books that would level up my knowledge in crypto, finance and tech.

I would say you are better off following different content creators for that as opposed to looking for books.

In this era, there is a lot of stuff out there that is up to date with what people put out in videos.

One I would suggest is Jeff Snider. He has stuff that will blow your mind in terms of the monetary system and how things are changing.

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Is good to read. I like to read financial book especially any book that contain how to make money.

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The Wealthy Code really helped change the way I look at investing. I think it would be a great addition !PIZZA

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I really liked the intelligent investor, take a look

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I would say books about crypto are tough since they are outdated considering how quickly the industry is moving.

One I would suggest is Money Illusion by Irving Fisher.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta