AskLeo - When Did You Start Seeing Meaning in Crypto?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

A month in crypto feels like a couple of years in real life and this technology is on the verge of revolutionizing the world we live, in such a big time. I first came in contact with crypto almost four years ago when a good friend of mine introduced me to Bitcoin and blockchain and I also got my first coins back then.

He gifted me at that time some coins that were worth some $0.6 but I forgot the name... A few months after and I purchased my first cryptos out of my own money, it seemed like a good investment and the thought of not needing to ever work again was crossing my mind ever since.

While I was watching crypto related videos back then I understood the concept for a bit, but was mostly oriented towards the financial side of them and the price was weighing much more on my perception on them rather than the tech behind, the disruptive nature and their real life use case.


When have I finally started to see the meaning in crypto?

When I created myself my Steem account. That's when a whole new world has opened to me and when I was able to see blockchain technology and the concept of crypto put to work. It was something that I could somehow touch, have a bit of control over and be involved in for hours on a day.

After years and years of Fakebook, being able to create content on a blockchain based social media platform and being able to earn cryptocurrencies was huge. The payouts were ants food, but the impact was huge. Not once have I lost my faith and vision in this thing. It was something beyond a crypto listed on an exchange and a concept that was supposed to do something in the future.

It was real life use case and continues to be as such for over three years now. This thing has become part of my life, currently my one and only source of income and that activity that keeps me glued to the screen and keyboard for hours everyday. It's definitely given a meaning to crypto for me.

When I first heard of Bitcoin from that friend of mine and when watching youtube videos about it, it felt somehow sterile and more of a concept rather than a real thing. I mean, it wasn't a real life product, like my smartphone for example or an app that I'm using every day. It was something out there, promising never the less, but still not touchable.

Becoming a Steem user and later a hiver has really made me see meaning in crypto. Now there are many more projects and concepts that strengthen such feeling, but at that time this blockchain social media was the thing, and it has confirmed me that we're on to something with crypto.

What about you, When Did You Start Seeing Meaning in Crypto? Please share your story in the comments section and lets boost engagement on Leofinance and Hive as much as possible.

Thanks for attention,

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


@acesontop you are in that envious position of being there at the beginning and I’m entering it during its maturation. I have to give the credit to @jongolson - his passion for it and my pursuit of becoming a better affiliate marketer was a no-brainer.

You might have a better start than I, being actually involved in crypto in the middle of a bull market and not just speculating on it like I did at first. I have only joined Steem in February 2018 when the bull market was over. Make the most out of your experience and don't waste time on crap. This thing has so much potential.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for the insight @acesontop

This was so long ago, that I almost can't even remember. Can't say for sure.
Sometime in late 2012. Or 2013. Maybe when I watched the first dozen videos by Andreas Antonoupolos. And WBN crypto 101's by James D'Angelo. Maybe when I got the first gen ASIC with a gorgeous name AVALON. (byebye FPGA) Or when I avoided Mt.Gox drama, OR 12 other CEX's which I escaped before they all 12 got hacked. How? Because as already knew long ago - "not your keys=not your cryptos".
Or when something crazy flashed in my head, and I sold all by ETH's. And then imediatelly purchased them ALL (all!) back, just after 20-30 minutes.
Whenever it has happened, it was so long ago. Years and years before steem, hive, ERC20, POS, Ledger's, Trezor's, ICO's, NFT's and DEFI.
Yet I am thirsty and sick to see what future is bringing to us.

That's my short story.
Time to harvest my CUB's. And stake em for God knows how many more years...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I can't say you're lucky because what you're saying is not about luck. I have to admit I'm not that involved in crypto as you are although I am a believer. It makes a lot of sense to me definitely and it's been a personal life game changer.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I started seeing meaning in 2014 when I bought my first bitcoin. But I saw a crypto light in november 2017 while watching a crypto conference about possible implications of crypto in creating new socio-economic framework.

We have an early adopter here. I honestly wished I saw that video created by @onealfa and his daughter back in 2013, if I remember correctly. There are some things that make you a believer and some that don't.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

💥 Boom ! 💥

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for the boom 🤗

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I believe the first day I actually found meaning in this internet money, was when I actually used it as a means of trade for a device of mine.

To me there's always much meaning to something when it's utility is clear, so actually picking some random internet codes that were built prolly while I sleeping and then boom, someone is crazy enough to accept it as a store value in exchange for a physical product was just crazy.

So, at that point of exchange, it was clear to me that it's more than just a bunch of computer codes...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Interesting. I guess not many of us are yet using it as a means of exchange.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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2 month into crypto, I saw meaning in going with crypto.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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