BlackRock is Not Satoshi's Friend

in LeoFinance2 months ago

Blackrock-linked investment fund placed massive put options on Trump company one day before the assassination attempt. How did they know that? Perhaps because "they" and "others" orchestrated the show...

It's not the first time in human history that a president talking about the deep state has been murdered or an assassination attempt has been conducted on him. Some people, when thinking of the deep state, assume that there are shadowy characters who no one ever sees ruling over the world.

In reality, it is the mega corporations that are becoming increasingly centralized who are pulling the strings, sending presidents to office and putting them down. BlackRock is not your friend... Many are cheering BlackRock and Larry Fink for getting involved in crypto.


I don't, because I know what this octopus is about. These people are not here to fulfill Satoshi's vision for Bitcoin or to make it into what Bukele did in El Salvador; they are involved for their own benefit.

Every client who buys shares in IBIT and gains exposure to Bitcoin through IBIT is a customer who pays a fee to BlackRock, and the company has an interest in keeping these clients on track for as long as possible. This is why Fink changed his views 180%.

It's not as if he's about to expose the current financial system and power a parallel system using decentralized blockchain technology as its pillar. That's not going to happen. The corporations are looking to make as much money as possible by any means.

This is why BlackRock is in Bitcoin. The same goes for Michael Saylor... That guy doesn't play any role in fulfilling Satoshi's dream either. All he advocates is "not selling your bitcoin" day in and day out... What are we going to buy our groceries with if we do that?

And if we end up HODLing for decades and end up holding millions in Bitcoin but are old and dated, what fun does it make to buy shiny stuff then? Why not buy it now? Why not spend some of the profits you make during a bull market?

I'm not an advocate of consumerism, but I am an advocate for healthy rewards. I don't mind BlackRock pumping my bags, but I don't trust it and I know what it's all about. Not cheering it at all... Crypto is still the wild west, and only the big players will make the most of it.

I hope we all do well in this bull market so we have something to spend during the next one, which will come by 2025 or 2026... Just my two cents... Have a great weekend, and see you all next time.

Thanks for your attention,


BlackRock’s involvement in Bitcoin feels like a power play. We need to stay vigilant I tell you

I'm getting really tired of hearing this argument.

Yes, you are right, but how does being right matter?
How does being right make a difference or change anything at all?
That's what nobody explains or even seems to think about.

As someone who knows the truth, how are you going to get an edge over the brainswashed number-go-up greedy dipshits? That's the question that needs to be answered and never does, and it absolutely drives me bonkers. The strategy for navigating this environment doesn't change one iota with this knowledge.

In fact take an asshole like Mark Zuckerberg for example. Here's a guy who's created more valuable open source tech than any public figure in crypto. Do we really think Blackrock and Microstrategy aren't going to eventually pump billions of dollars into open source tech even though Cuckerberg did it just so more people would build on top of his shitty website? Seriously though the shear amount of money floating around next peak is going to be batshit. Saylor will basically be forced to pivot into something more constructive than just HODL. Dude is going to be the world's first trillionaire.

The financial incentives for Bitcoin whales to crank out open source tech is crazy high. Facebook and other WEB2 platforms do it just in the hope that devs will contribute something to their platform for free. With Bitcoin... there's a literal direct financial incentive to do it. This makes it a thousand times more likely it will happen. Once it does this entire theory that Bitcoin whales are not a friend to Bitcoin might just completely fall flat on its face. But again it doesn't even matter either way. All we can do is try to ride the lightning.

All he advocates is "not selling your bitcoin" day in and day out... What are we going to buy our groceries with if we do that?

The exact same way that Saylor does it: buy the groceries with debt at the lowest interest rate possible.
Leveraging debt on a weak dollar is going to be an insane way to save/make money going forward.
We'll probably see negative interest rates within the next ten years.
Europe was just a precursor.

Obviously we are totally on the same side I just feel like ranting before bedtime :D

The exact same way that Saylor does it: buy the groceries with debt at the lowest interest rate possible.

How I’d love to do that… 😁

Did you have a good sleep?


How I’d love to do that… 😁

I'll be blogging about it a lot the next time Thorchain caps get increased and everyone has another opportunity to take out 0% loans.

You do that. I know Khal is into something like this but never actually bothered documenting myself about it.

If Maya implements this ability LEO will gain access by default.
I think that's the current play.