"Hive: The Unkillable Crypto Champion Amidst the Death Knell"

in LeoFinancelast year

I've been thinking recently about that saying from Klaus Schwab: "You will own nothing and be happy." To be honest, my view on it has changed. Initially, I interpreted it as a literal loss of ownership, but now I've come to realize something different.

It's not about physical ownership, but rather about losing our rights and freedoms that we once had. The elites may not be able to take everything from us, both physically and practically, but they can gain control over our finances, digital lives, and freedom of expression.

I don't believe Bitcoin will ever be banned or controlled in any significant way. It's difficult to envision any authority taking over the blockchain or prohibiting its use. The same applies to Hive. However, our rulers can gain access to more of our personal data.

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According to the Financial Times, "EU finance ministers have approved the world's first comprehensive cryptocurrency rules." This translates into:

  • All exchanges and wallet providers must be licensed.
  • Names of senders and recipients of transactions must be recorded regardless of amount.

How did we end up here? Quite simply, ever since we received crypto from Satoshi Nakamoto, most of what we've done with it is buy and sell it for fiat currency.

This massive demand for such services led to the emergence of numerous regulated crypto exchanges that provide convenient on and off-ramps for crypto transactions.

Consequently, these services are subject to regulations imposed by the EU, the US, and other countries. As a result, based on your "crypto trace," the government will at least have a clue, if not exact knowledge, of which cryptocurrencies you hold.

Isn't that what Bitcoin was created to prevent? I don't know if moving to El Salvador would improve the situation, but I dislike the idea of governments and authorities having a detailed record of my crypto transactions.

This is where Hive plays a crucial role in helping individuals bypass this totalitarian, tax-oriented system. They can't seize or demand identification for Hive transactions. Hive cannot be regulated. It is arguably the most anti-establishment crypto project out there.

Yes, if you send HIVE to or from an exchange, they can probably track that and determine your account name. However, they don't have the power to do anything beyond that. They can't power down your account, freeze it, or even prove your identity.

Well, in my case, they probably can because I was foolish enough to upload plenty of photos of myself, but that's as far as it goes. Going back to Klaus Schwab...

In the future, you may be permitted to own numerous things, but they will be under constant surveillance. Crypto won't be an exception to this rule.

Hail Hive!!!

Thanks for your attention,

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Anonymity and privacy-focused projects like Hive have a crucial role in bypassing the totalitarian system and preserving individual sovereignty in the face of increasing surveillance. Still, being at its core a web3 blockchain, the anonymity in itself is hard to be achieved if one is part of the social media layers from here.

Perfection is hard to achieve

That's why is so important a Hardware wallet without KYC constraints

True. I avoid holding coins on exchanges.