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RE: Blockchains Are Countries

in LeoFinance3 years ago

We must keep our minds open, because they have been brainwashed from birth within this legacy system of competition, capitalism, Web 2.0, imperialism, authoritarianism, and greed. Everything we think we know about the world is wrong when we apply it to crypto.

i guess that's the best way of approaching crypto atm. I absolutely hate people on twitter coming with all sort of predictions and self nailed theories like they're somehow reading the future. Who would knew two years ago that Leofinance will be into DeFi?...

What was Solana and Polygon four years ago?

Yeah, that lady is right, instead of seeing crypto as assets, we should see them as countries that are developing on a broader range. Quite a few crypto analysts are missing on that and they're probably gonna be left out in the years to come, worse than their hypnotized followers.

We need to make you an influencer on twitter by the way...

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