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RE: Bitcoin price discovery nears: 100K an inevitability

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Thanks for linking my post to yours. Means a lot to me.
Related to the topic, I believe Bitcoin is going to get to $100,000, after breaking previous ATHs, sooner than it took to recover from the $30,000 fall. Price discovery will be spectacular this cycle and my gut feeling tells me we have high chances of entering a super cycle, considering how much institutional money we have in the market already.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


No worries Adrian, your thinking in that post really resonated with me :)

There's no doubt that following Google Trends for retail sentiment works and as you can see on that chart, retail is still nowhere to be seen.

Bitcoin is about to break to new all-time highs as I'm writing this.

News of that will generate interest and demand will come off the back of that.

100K Bitcoin is a self-fulfilling prophecy at this stage!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta