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RE: Hive has entered a really...really attractive area.

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Well, I am one of those guys that try to make a living with my blog, and although it's a three years old goal as I wrote today in my morning post haven't achieved it yet. Not quitting yet though. I will give it one more year, maybe the bull market will make make that possible. I doubt though HIVE will get lower than ten cents before rebounding.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


A year is a long time in the crypto world. We are seeing a lot of development.

Do not forget, a few months back LEO was not on most people's radar on Hive. How most are talking about it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well it could crash to 5 cents or three...nobody really knows, as for rebounding, ya it's a wild card. It could go 20x in a month. Crypto world is so unpredictable, That's why I like it so much.

Good to see you trying mate. I am sure that one day...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta