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RE: Web 3.0: Jack Dorsey Is Right About VCs

in LeoFinance2 years ago

There is indeed a lot of misunderstanding in crypto right now, especially around the metaverse. Regarding WEB3, I can only agree with everything you pointed out, it's impossible for this revolution to be ignited by the ones who've build WEB2. Hence I don't believe Jack will do much in that regard. I see people like @khaleelkazi @theycallmedan and @blocktrades doing much more for the development of WEB3 than Jack has or will ever do.


A technology that created a Paradigm Change in the financial world has brought this issue to the agenda again.

that was blockchain technology

Unfortunately, there are people who think that the concept of metaverse consists only of nft and games.

The terms Metaverse is so vastly overused and misunderstood that it is totally warped. We are not going to see this anytime soon.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta