I think I'll buy some more CTP tokens...

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

I think I'll buy some more CTP tokens....png

For a very long time, the CTP community was a well hidden hive-engine tribe. It was overlooked most of the time but things are about to change...

8 days ago, I have written the post Do you have the CTP token on your investment radar? In this post I was speaking about the fundamentals of this token. If you heeded my advice at that time you could have bought the token for 0.11 Hive. If you want to buy it today you need to pay more than 0.20 Hive!


This evolution has brought quite a lot of attention to the token and the evolution of the price is difficult to predict. In the discord channel of CTP I've found this message by @flaxz that he got himself from the BRO discord channel.


What is BRO?

It's a community token for Bro's that curates and buys miners from different coins. Investors get 50% of the daily curation rewards. If BRO starts to buy CTP, this means that not only the demand will increase, also the volume for the token will increase. All the BRO token holders will start to get CTP tokens and not everybody will want to keep them. This will fuel the market volume.

Triggering the Index token

This increased volume will have a triggering effect on the Index token. The index tokens buys tokens according to their volume. The more volume a token has, the bigger his weight in the index will be. This will mean that with each Index token sold, a growing part will be used to buy... CTP tokens! Again all Index token holders will get CTP dividends. This will again increase the volume.

A third effect: the @ctpsb project (The CTP Swarm Booster)

I've been running this community project since September 2019. In a nutshell it's a tokenized account belonging to the holders of the CTPSB tokens. The token value grows thanks to author and curation rewards that are leveraged by the delegations that the account gets. Hive Power delegators to the @ctpsb account get paid weekly dividends in CTP tokens. Last week 191 Hive worth of CTP tokens were distributed. This was a return of around 21% APR (this fluctuates from week to week). Every week a part of the dividends that the account pays are bought on the market. (learn more about CTPSB).

With BRO, INDEX and CTPSB we have an organic demand for the CTP token that will increase with volume and price. This on the other hand could potentially generate additional demand from other investment tokens like dhedge who want to add the CTP token to their portfolio.

Let's remember some key facts about CTP

  • 89.71% of the tokens are staked
  • There are only 280'000 liquid CTP tokens in circulation
  • A new front-end for the CTP token will be coming out very soon
  • This front-end will allow to display ads. The return of these ads will be used to burn CTP
  • This year the token supply will grow by 40%, next year it will grow by 28%, then by 21%.

We have come up with a transparency report for the token that was published yesterday. There is also a roadmap available for the token and the CTP tribe.

The best about CTP

What we shouldn't forget about all this is that the best about CTP is actually its community of dedicated people...

P.S: This is not financial advice. Please make your own research and invest only what you can afford to lose.

Let's connect ! You can find me on these platforms:

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I didn't know about BRO's interest in CTP. Since they are big buyers (and hodlers), that explains even more the present trajectory of the token price. Interesting times in HE land.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I guess even before they started buying CTP was bullish . Not it will raise further I guess.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I believe that the interest of BRO in CTP is probably the best thing that can happen to the token. Thanks for stopping by!


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This is awesome news...
CTP to the moon....

Rockets are launched LOL


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It's great to see the CTP token just exploding in value, and it seems that most of it is staked too, thanks for the mention and have an awesome day.

Quite impressive how the token is taking off :-). Nice to have some staked.


Exactly, and the rally continues too.

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Maybe just maybe you might be able to !BBH in the future ;). Shhhhhh

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I'm quite happy that I've came across your articles early enough to buy a lot of my CTP at around 0.1 Hive still. Thanks for sharing!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You are welcome. You got a good price :-)


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Yeah, for those who regret not jumping on to the Leo train before it left the station. You have the chance now with the CTP token.
Don't do the same mistake twice.

You are right. That's the exact thought running through my mind.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I see it this way as well :-)


Thanks for the tokens.

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Very nice. I have started staking the CTP tokens that I have earned so I will steadily grow my stake. Thanks for the news about BRO taking a position in CTP. I see a great future if more of the different funds start adding CTP to their list.

This fornt-end will allow to display ads. The return of these ads will be used to burn CTP

Minor typo for you. Pretty sure you mean front-end.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for your good eyes ;-). I corrected it !


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CTP is definitely a buy and hold for a long time. I'm lucky to have staked a couple of hundreds on different accounts and I think that I will need to get some more till they don't cross the $1 mark.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I will need to get some more till they don't cross the $1 mark

I think there will be quite some time till we reach this stage LOL but who knows???


We are in the cryptospace, where this spikes happen often, much more often than the classic stock market or currency valuation. CTP has potential with the team behind it.

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Bought some a few day ago before the pump. I'm happy enough.

Good timing!


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To be honest I can see it breach 1 HIVE in the near future. I think 0.2 is just cheap.

Also is it possible to know how much CTP is burned by ad revenue alone?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

For the moment there is absolutely no ad revenu. It was simply not possible to put the ads on the condenser. With the new front-end, this will become possible. Therefore this is a dimension that has actually no effect yet but can have a big one in the future.

I see . Got it , the burning would have been much more if the ads was on . Thanks for the reply.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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I am happy that I keep my CTP stake increasing with each passing day.

Once you have the tokens staked and you curate with your stake, it's great to see the tokens coming in :-)


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Thanks for the latest update, @achim03 and for sharing the Bro discord message shared by @flaxz - I'm not on discord so I hadn't seen it.

I believe this is really good news for CTP :-)


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Awesome. I'm glad I joined the community about 2 months ago. The best part is dedicated team and community efforts, brining value to overall hive ecosystem. Thanks.

Thanks for being a part of this great community!


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What if I buy a thousands of that? Is it good to hold?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's what we do we hodl and stake.
right now there is only around 20K tokens available on the market.
so if you plan to buy a lot don't wait too long.

The best is actually to stake the tokens and curate posts with the CTP tag. Like that you will earn CTP tokens!


Oh I see now!!! Thanks buddy!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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I just bought 16 miners from them. I think I'll invest more. Regards!

Good decision I believe :-)


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