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RE: WE NEED a TOOL to UPLOAD TWITTER/IG/FB Backups to HIVE All in one click! PAY 100 HIVE? HP? ITS TIME to SUPPORT EngineWitty and AlgoCoder and their ALT YES and SHARE2STEEM (hive?) app that lets you post to hive FROM IG, twitter, twitch, YT

in LeoFinance3 years ago

yeah please test out the Twitter backup feature, and the instagram one. theers a lot of toosl already built,

obviously i know youve thought about ways to allow someone to PAY some hive for the service of crawling all the old posst, reposting with altyes

but i know its complicated

share2steem was so easy i wish we could have that

but yeah we need the paid backup service so peopel starting buying HIVE

i can see it now, 100 hive gets expensive and they lower price but people start making guides on how to manually upload their posst with only a few HP of RC mana to save money hahaha

i can really see hive as a tool just to backup other social media ., a backbone , and demand for hive simply being infrastructure to back up posts