Using HiveDAO to pay for with HBD from Hive DAO. Find existing silver mint and just start putting in orders for standrdized 1 gram business cards, so cheap everyone buys em! WOOOO HIVE SILVER MINT

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

Decentralized Silver Mints using HIVEDAO and personal rewards. Imagine we delegate to an account OR make a SILVER BASED NITROUS where EVERYONE TAKES 100% REWARDS to an account like @likwid but for holding moon money to get SILVER in our HANDS with FEDEX etc. or just start having hive witnesses hoarding silver with our names on it lol. have the mint make the coins with your fuckin hive account stamped on it then, we wont have any arguments about whose it is unless the CHAIN shows THAT HOARD now belongs to someone ELSE lol

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