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RE: A trip to the Isle of Seil and Easdale on the West Coast of Scotland

in LeoFinance • 2 months ago

Beautiful, @hoosie!! Pity about the rain but, as they say, there's no such thing as bad weather - only unsuitable clothing 😉 The Slate Islands... I've plans to travel through the west mid-year. High priority: Isle of Harris and Isle of Lewis. But Slate Islands could also be beautiful. Any tips? I hear public transport is a no-go.

 2 months ago (edited) 

The slate islands are just south of Oban and you can do it by public transport. You can get the train to Oban, and then there is a regular bus service from Oban that goes to the Isle of Seil (probably takes about an hour to get there by bus from Oban). The boat ride over from the Isle of Seil to Easdale is also a council run boat service that goes every half an hour (and takes about 3 minutes). It was only £2.70 per adult for a return trip. So it is do-able - but you'd probably need an overnight stay in Oban if also figuring in the train trip up. However Oban and the slate islands really are worth the visit. You can also visit the Isle of Mull quite easily from Oban, again using public transport as the bus service on the island is decent. There are also a number of other islands within easy reach from Oban (as it has a Cal Mac Ferry Hub which goes to quite a few of the other islands).
I used to live in the area, hence why I know quite a bit about it.

This is great advice! Happy I asked - what a beautiful area to live?! Thank you so very much, @hoosie 💫 Yeah, a colleague at work recommended driving as there is "little to no public transport out west" - but I see she was mistaken. It sounds like there are options enough to get around, if sparse. But that's fine! (Wouldn't say "no" to a night in Oban.) £2.70 return is very affordable, and the sites you visited look breathtaking - well worth the journey, I think. Have made a note of the suggestions in your comment. Thanks again - and happy travels. 😊