
Seems like almost all of my usual cash out routes have closed. Looks like there’s nothing left to do but trade and hodl.

They're closing us in. Binance is still quite liquid. For now.
I suppose we have to concentrating on utility now, as in ways to use Hive directly without having to trade it first. There was an card/plugin that was quite nice some time ago, not sure if that's still a thing.

That’s a huge fine that Binance have had to stump up but I guess there’s money to be made and they understand that, after all btc has pumped regardless of all the heat 🤷‍♂️

Kraken, for now has a fiat conduit.

"For now" 😅

Thanks @slobberchops, that’s good to know. I have a feeling that somewhere along the line I may have created myself an account.