Time travel with XRP - The Sagrada Familia of crypto

in LeoFinance2 months ago

Time Travel With XRP


I found an interesting article about XRP. It basically said that if you'd invested $10k into XRP in 2018, you'd still have $10k! haha. In fact, you'd have lost a little money due to inflation 😂

Bitcoin on the other hand would have given you at least a 5X, depending on when in 2018 you bought. Other coins have since done 10, 100 and even 1000 X.

As such, buying XRP now is like time travel to 2018. It's basically the only top 50 token that's still at 2018 prices. There's talk of the lawsuit with the SEC ending very soon. After than, only goodness knows how high it could go, nor not.

Not space-time continuum advice, do your own research.

Peace & Love,



I would always prefer BTC over XRP. ✊🏻

And I LOVE the Back to the Future movie series!

Haha. I'm going to rewatch all of it this winter when the weather gets bad. That and The Wire, Sopranos and Battlestar Galactica 😂

What kind of investment is this😅😅😅😅