XRP ETFs next? The SEC suddenly panics

in LeoFinance29 days ago

XRP ETFs Next?


Crypto is a rollercoaster! One minute everyone is fearful and dumping. The next minute everyone is FOMO'ing in because, apparently, things have changed.

The most recent run is being fuelled by the chatter that the US SEC is about to approve $ETH ETFs. Ethereum has seen a pump of up to 20% in just one day because of this. Other cryptos have also responded including Solana losing some steam to Ethereum since some have been selling $SOL to buy $ETH.

What's really going on? Who knows. Gary Gensler is only one phone call away from the CEO of BlackRock or Joe Biden himself. There's been talk of the incumbent presidency having suddenly come to the realisation that a good portion of the voting public hold crypto. An anti-crypto stance, such as the one the current administration in the White House has, could damage a political campaign and hinder re-election.

Meanwhile Ethereum ETFs are already live elsewhere outside the United States.

Peace & Love,



Gary Gensler and Joe Biden seem to have one relationship or the other
Let’s see what happens

Both of them are anti-crypto.

Just like a week ago it looked like the market was going bearish again but the way we have seen it pumped into the market within a week and if the ETF get approved tomorrow then things are getting better.

Only a few hours to go now :)