How to Overcome a Failing Economy With Crypto

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Hi friends, this is my first post. I'm thinking about our failing economy.
So, how to solve it?

The way to overcome the failure of our economy is actually easy, we just need to increase productivity, either by planting sweet potatoes or other types of productivity.

It's not a complicated problem, it turns out that the presence of various platforms that can gain crypto can actually solve all these problems, right?

The answer is yes. Today we have to believe that productively exploring ideas and creating content, we will be richer because productive. Interesting content with various bright ideas can be used as data for a decentralized system. The results of my study show that data stored in a decentralized manner can increase economic growth, where the role of ideas will move energy thinkers to take more detailed research paths to find new solutions.

Friends, even though this is my first post, I think that this is an entry to invite all to exchange ideas, for those who believe that our economy is failing day by day.

The urgent need for cash in us every day is increasingly needed. Banks are no longer able to provide cash, unless we have to work hand in hand to build Cryptocurrency Banks simultaneously, both on a local and national scale. People's needs can be exchanged for crypto easily and must be realized with paper money or manual money. Otherwise how will the Bank pay for contractors and entrepreneurs, otherwise the world will be destroyed.

It's okay today Crypto is in power. But socio-political and economic will always rule. Should we let crypto only be applied to computers?

I think crypto should be exchangeable for a loaf of bread in the market, for everyone to play crypto. We can take power and move a failing economic system to a sustainable one. I have seen and made observations, today people in the world are getting poorer and poorer. Economic control has begun to destroy the economic system that is actually helping the inhabitants of the earth. While we are just relaxing.

If so, I think everything will be equal. Then all the ways out for the failed economy will be overcome. Therefore, I invite you, let's be more productive so that we can provide attractive solutions for our economic failure today. At Leofinance, I think content productivity is one of the best ways to get rich in crypto.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Well all crypto is also falling in relation to Bitcoin, i do get that its better than fiat but its not better than Bitcoin

@chekohler, do you think Crypto will be able to be used as a medium of exchange in the stalls or can buy a loaf of bread and a cup of coffee?

It already is, you can see all the sites and businesses listed with coincorner already accepting Bitcoin for goods and services