How to Succeed Using Algorithm Formulas for Content

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)
Authored by @afridany

Hi Hiverr Leofinance community how are you? Have a good day.


This time I will share, how to succeed in blockchain? I recently earned as much as $45 for a post on Hiveblog. For me it is the biggest number, before reaching the top tier goal. upload this post of mine, I think it's interesting.

Guys, we have to need a target audience before creating content. And I think to be successful on the blockchain is the same as being successful on any other platform. Or the same as being an entrepreneur, trader, politician, and so on. The key is to be focused, and consistent, and the most important thing is to believe in trying.

Thus, achieving success on the blockchain is a tricky thing for content creators. It's just that we are serious in living it, and always active in creating content.

In addition, there is a very important key in creating content, namely Algorithm. Not only in mathematics, Algorithm is a process that is carried out through a process. Keep in mind before creating content to reach the target formula Vote on blockchain Algorithm Required.

In other words, the Algorithm I mean here is with good design, right timing and brilliant idea. After careful initial planning, it is necessary to apply reality.

For example, you will create copy content. Then you need to target audience, use a good place planning Algorithm, propose ideas with appropriate themes for curators, and appropriate places and times to record or shoot the required images.

This algorithm will work for you. This will serve as a driving engine, especially voting on each of your content, which can provide maximum results. You can get an art collection instead of a curator, so you will feel great success in creating content and the results will satisfy you.

By getting everything from the Algorithm formula, then you can store some tokens in your wallet, which one day can be resold and don't need to be bought. The more crypto you get the richer. And that's where the need for Algorithm formulation so that you are more consistent and not confident in creating content. This is all I can post today, hopefully useful. Regards.

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